Superordinate goals

Superordinate goals

Superordinate goals, in psychology, are goals that are achieved by the contribution and co-operation of two or more people, with individual goals that are normally in opposition to each other, working together.

Muzafer Sherif (1954) performed a study involving a group of boys at a camp that were in opposition to one another, one named Eagles, one named the Rattlers, in a zero-sum situation. The opposing groups had strong negative feelings towards each other, resulting in hostile actions such as 'garbage wars'.

Sherif was able to successfully bring these two groups together by using superordinate goals, such as solving the problems of a breakdown of the water supply and the breakdown of a food delivery truck. The cumulative effect of these incidents was friendship formation across group boundaries. On the last day, both groups elected to ride home together on the same bus.


Sherif, M., Harvey, O.J., White, B.J., Hood, W.R., & Sherif, C.W. (1961) "Intergroup Conflict and Co-operation: The Robbers Cave Experiment". Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Book Exchange.

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