yellow card — yellow cards, yellow carding, yellow carded 1) N COUNT: usu sing In football or rugby, if a player is shown the yellow card, the referee holds up a yellow card to indicate that the player has broken the rules, and that if they do so again, they… … English dictionary
yellow card — ► NOUN ▪ (especially in soccer) a yellow card shown by the referee to a player being cautioned. ► VERB (yellow card) ▪ (of the referee) show a yellow card to … English terms dictionary
yellow card — n a yellow card held up by a football ↑referee to show that a player has done something wrong →↑red card … Dictionary of contemporary English
yellow card — noun count in soccer, a small yellow card used for warning a player that they have done something wrong ─ compare RED CARD … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
yellow card — Soccer. a yellow card shown by the referee to a player being cautioned for a violation. Cf. red card. * * * noun, pl ⋯ cards [count] soccer : a yellow card that a referee holds in the air to indicate that a player has broken the rules of the game … Useful english dictionary
yellow card — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms yellow card : singular yellow card plural yellow cards in football, a small yellow card shown to a player to warn them that they have done something wrong See: red card … English dictionary
yellow card — noun (especially in soccer) a yellow card shown by the referee to a player being cautioned. verb (yellow card) (of the referee) show a yellow card to … English new terms dictionary
yellow card — yel′low card n. spo soccer a yellow card shown by the referee to a player being cautioned for a violation. Comparered card … From formal English to slang
yellow card — Soccer. a yellow card shown by the referee to a player being cautioned for a violation. Cf. red card. * * * … Universalium
ˌyellow ˈcard — noun [C] in football, a small yellow card used for warning a player that they have done something wrong See: red card … Dictionary for writing and speaking English