- Hexafluorophosphate
Hexafluorophosphate is an anion with chemical formula of [PF6] −. As a
non-coordinating anion , it is a poornucleophile .Halide anions are easily replaced with [PF6] − withsilver hexafluorophosphate . The precipitation of insoluble silver halide helps drive this reaction to completion. Someroom temperature ionic liquid s such as bmimPF6 use [PF6] − as a counterion.Also, many
imidazolium andformamidinium hexafluorophosphate salts are insoluble in water. The addition ofammonium hexafluorophosphate (NH4PF6) to an aqueous solution of the formamdinium/imidazolium salt results in a precipitate of the formamidinium/imidazolium hexafluorophosphate salt which can be gathered byfiltration . This method can have advantages over the silver hexafluorophosphate method mentioned above in terms of expense and in systems where contamination with metal ions is strongly discouraged.ee also
Non-coordinating anion
*Hexafluorophosphoric acid
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