Fred Uhlman

Fred Uhlman

Fred Uhlman (January 19, 1901 - April 11, 1985) was a German lawyer of Jewish origin, who in September 1936 arrived in England virtually penniless and unable to speak English, married Diana Croft, the daughter of a Conservative Member of Parliament, Sir Henry Page Croft, and went on to become a celebrated painter and novelist.

Fred Uhlman was born in 1901, in Stuttgart, Germany, into a prosperous middle-class Jewish family. He studied at the Universities of Freiburg, Munich and Tübingen from where, in 1923, he graduated with a degree in Law followed by a "Doctorate" in Civil and Canon law.

In March 1933, two months after Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor, Uhlman moved to Paris to start a new life. This, however, proved very difficult; foreigners were not permitted to take paid employment, and were immediately expelled from France if caught doing so. Uhlman supported himself by drawing and painting, and selling his work privately when he could. (At one stage he supplemented his income by selling tropical fish). Uhlman's star as a painter was in the ascendance, but buyers were hard to come by. In April 1936 he moved to Tossa de Mar, a small fishing village on the Costa Brava in Spain, but shortly thereafter the Spanish Civil War broke out, and in August he decided to return to Paris, via Marseilles. In Marseilles, while making a telephone call from a café to Diana Croft, a friend in London whom he had met in Tossa de Mar, his wallet, containing most of his money and his passport, was stolen from his jacket left unattended at his table. A foreigner in France without a passport effectively became a stateless person and subject to official harassment, internment and possible expulsion. Demoralised and in despair, he gave the café proprietor his Paris telephone number and continued his journey to Paris. The next day he received a telephone call at his hotel; the caller informed him that he had the wallet and passport and would mail them to Uhlman the next day, because he was a "co-réligionnaire" of Uhlman's, but would retain ten percent of the money in the wallet 'to cover expenses'. The wallet and passport arrived the following day. On 3 September 1936, Fred Uhlman landed in England with no money and unable to speak the language. Two months later, on 4 November 1936, he married Diana Croft.

Nine months after the outbreak of the Second World War, Uhlman, with thousands of other enemy alliens, was, in June 1940, interned by the British Government, on the Isle of Man. He was released six months later and reunited with his wife and with his daughter, born while he was interned.

Uhlman had his first solo exhibition at the "Galerie Le Niveau" in Paris in 1935. In London he exhibited at the "Zwemmer Gallery" in 1938, from then on he exhibited regularly in one man shows as well as mixed exhibitions throughout Britain. A retrospective exhibition of his work was held at the Leighton House Museum in London in 1968. His work is represented in many important public galleries, including the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge and Victoria & Albert Museum in London.

Uhlman's memoirs, "The Making of an Englishman", was published in 1960. His novella "Reunion" was published in 1977. "A minor masterpiece" wrote Arthur Koestler in his Introduction to the book.

Fred Uhlman died in London on April 11, 1985. He is the great-uncle of Joseph Uhlman, the youngest Chief of EMS Services in the history of the State of Kansas.

Books by and about Fred Uhlman

* "Captivity: twenty-four drawings by Fred Uhlman. London: Jonathan Cape, 1946.
* "The Making of an Englishman", London: Victor Gollancz, 1960.
* "Reunion"
* Anna Plodeck: "The making of Fred Uhlman: life and work of the painter and writer in exile." [Dissertation, University of London (Courtauld Institute of Art), 2004]

External links

* The Fred and Diana Uhlman Collection []
* The Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge, U.K. has a large collection of Uhlman's drawings. ['PDP'%20and%20((%20%20(VV='uhlman*'%20or%20BE='uhlman*'%20or%20ob='uhlman*'%20or%20Tz='uhlman*'%20or%20MA='uhlman*'%20or%20CL='uhlman*'%20or%20IN='uhlman*'%20or%20OB='uhlman*'%20or%20OC='uhlman*'%20or%20C2='uhlman*'%20or%20TK='uhlman*')))))))))&_startfrom_=31&_function_=xslt&_resultstylesheet_=imagecs&_limit_=10&_sort_=]

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