Carl Süssmilch

Carl Süssmilch

Adolph Carl von de Heyde Süssmilch (12 February 18756 December 1946), also known as Carl Adolph Sussmilch was an Australian geologist and educationist.

Süssmilch was born in Sydney, New South Wales to German immigrant parents. He work as an indent clark and studied science part-time at Sydney Technical College later giving classes there in geology and mining.

His first scientific paper apperared in the Royal Society of New South Wales journal in 1905. In 1911 he published "An Introduction to the Geology of New South Wales" and published numerous geological papers over the next few decades.

In 1939 he was awarded the Clarke Medal by the Royal Society of New South Wales (of which he was president in 1922) and was the 1941 Clarke memorial lecturer.


* [ Süssmilch, Adolph Carl von de Heyde (1875 - 1946)] at Bright Sparcs
*G. P. Walsh, ' [ Süssmilch, Adolph Carl von de Heyde (1875 - 1946)] ', Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 12, MUP, 1990, pp 139-140

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