

Infobox musical artist 2
Name = Audra

Img_capt =
Background = group_or_band
Origin = USA
Instruments =
Genre = Darkwave
Years_active = 1991–present
Label = Projekt Records (2000Present)
URL = []
Current_members = Bret Helm
Bart Helm
J. DeWolfe

Audra is a darkwave band formed in 1991 in Mesa, Arizona (originally as "Audra's Pearls") by brothers Bret and Bart Helm.

Sam Rosenthal, of Projekt Records, became aware of the band in 1999. Enjoying their music, he invited them to sign with Projekt. The label has released two albums by Audra so far. Members of Audra have also toured and recorded with Rosenthal's own band Black Tape for a Blue Girl.



*"Audra" (Projekt, 2000)
*"Going to the Theatre" (Projekt, 2002)


*"Art Sex Religion" - self-released Cassette (1993)
*"Unhappy Till The End" - self-released Cassette (1996)
*"In A Dark Room..." - self-released (1998)
*"Silver Music" - self-released (1999)
*"DJ Promo 2003" - 3" CD (2003)


*"2 Girls In 1 Dress" - self-released Cassette (1998)
*"Midnight Moon Swing" - Projekt Records (2002)


*"June/July 2000 Sampler CD" - Projekt Records (2000)
*"Late Summer 2000 Sampler CD" - Projekt Records (2000)
*"Orphee" - Projekt Records (2000)
*"Winter 2000 Sampler CD" - Projekt Records (2000)
*"Only Sorrow" - Lee Whipple Records (2000)
*"Spring 2001 Sampler CD" - Projekt Records (2001)
*"Within This Infinite Ocean" - Projekt Records (2001)
*"Excelsis 3: A Prelude" - Projekt Records (2001)
*"Excelsis Box Set" - Projekt Records (2001)
*"Kiss The Night" - Cleopatra Records (2002)
*"Future Wave Sampler" - Dancing Ferret (2002)
*"2002.1 Sampler CD" - Projekt Records (2002)
*"2002.2 Sampler CD" - Projekt Records (2002)
*"2002.3 Sampler CD" - Projekt Records (2002)
*"The Arbitrary Width Of Shadows" - Projekt Records (2002)
*"A Dark Noel" - Projekt Records (2002)
*"Projekt: Gothic" - Projekt Records (2002)
*"Romantic Sounds 4" - Zillo Magazine (2002)
*"Zilloscope June 2002 Sampler" - Zillo Magazine (2002)
*"Unquiet Grave Vol. 4" - Cleopatra Records (2003)
*"Dark Awakening Vol. 3" - Cop International (2003)
*"The Tongue Achieves The Dialect: Tribute to Rozz Williams" - Dark Vinyl (2003)
*"" - Projekt Records (2003)
*"2003.1 Sampler CD" - Projekt Records (2003)
*"2003.2 Sampler CD" - Projekt Records (2003)
*"2004 Sampler CD" - Projekt Records (2004)
*"Loves Shattered Pride: Tribute to Joy Division" - Failure to Communicate Records (2005)
*"A Dark CabaretCabaret Fortune Teller" - Projekt Records (2005)

External links


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