List of named asteroids (F-H)

List of named asteroids (F-H)

A List of named asteroids ordered alphabetically from F to H.

See also:
*List of named asteroids (A-C)
*List of named asteroids (D-E)
*List of named asteroids (I-K)
*List of named asteroids (L-N)
*List of named asteroids (O-R)
*List of named asteroids (S-V)
*List of named asteroids (W-Z)



* 12044 Fabbri
* 3645 Fabini
* 26177 Fabiodolfi
* 1576 Fabiola
* 27341 Fabiomuzzi
* 1649 Fabre
* 5221 Fabribudweis
* 11142 Facchini
* 27959 Fagioli
* 1593 Fagnes
* 9021 Fagus
* 7536 Fahrenheit
* 751 Faïna
* 67235 Fairbank
* 18964 Fairhurst
* 21424 Faithchang
* 22898 Falce
* 7963 Falcinelli
* 48480 Falk
* 14025 Fallada
* 10740 Fallersleben
* 15617 Fallowfield
* 6640 Falorni
* 9838 Falz-Fein
* 408 Fama
* 3478 Fanale
* 1589 Fanatica
* 16435 Fándly
* 5306 Fangfen
* 821 Fanny
* 9331 Fannyhensel
* 1224 Fantasia
* 10311 Fantin-Latour
* 21815 Fanyang
* 4554 Fanynka
* 37582 Faraday
* 3248 Farinella
* 6271 Farmer
* 16946 Farnham
* 9358 Fårö
* 23989 Farpoint
* 5256 Farquhar
* 7501 Farra
* 16127 Farzan-Kashani
* 11997 Fassel
* 27719 Fast
* 17712 Fatherwilliam
* 866 Fatme
* 20394 Fatou
* 2583 Fatyanov
* 47144 Faulkes
* 8685 Fauré
* 11849 Fauvel
* 5077 Favaloro
* 4820 Fay
* 1418 Fayeta
* 22633 Fazio


* 10985 Feast
* 11041 Fechner
* 2533 Fechtig
* 3195 Fedchenko
* 4726 Federer
* 12817 Federica
* 133296 Federicotosi
* 15695 Fedorshpig
* 7741 Fedoseev
* 11445 Fedotov
* 1984 Fedynskij
* 19575 Feeny
* 3433 Fehrenbach
* 7147 Feijth
* 9512 Feijunlong
* 15569 Feinberg
* 19461 Feingold
* 6653 Feininger
* 21721 Feiniqu
* 10666 Feldberg
* 3658 Feldman
* 7838 Feliceierman
* 294 Felicia
* 3927 Feliciaplatt
* 20305 Feliciayen
* 13520 Félicienrops
* 109 Felicitas
* 5940 Feliksobolev
* 1664 Felix
* 9757 Felixdejager
* 10660 Felixhormuth
* 21276 Feller
* 5150 Fellini
* 1453 Fennia
* 7708 Fennimore
* 17951 Fenska
* 1048 Feodosia
* 43790 Ferdinandbraun
* 11584 Ferenczi
* 1745 Ferguson
* 12007 Fermat
* 8103 Fermi
* 11998 Fermilab
* 9346 Fernandel
* 17121 Fernandonido
* 26984 Fernand-Roland
* 2496 Fernandus
* 18055 Fernhildebrandt
* 8875 Fernie
* 72 Feronia
* 4122 Ferrari
* 5201 Ferraz-Mello
* 3308 Ferreri
* 13326 Ferri
* 10584 Ferrini
* 10937 Ferris
* 73442 Feruglio
* 2286 Fesenkov
* 15939 Fessenden
* 7983 Festin
* 4694 Festou
* 8806 Fetisov
* 12350 Feuchtwanger
* 7099 Feuerbach
* 10628 Feuerbacher
* 7495 Feynman


* 3695 Fiala
* 6765 Fibonacci
* 3475 Fichte
* 29736 Fichtelberg
* 10248 Fichtelgebirge
* 11698 Fichtelman
* 524 Fidelio
* 10123 Fideöja
* 37 Fides
* 380 Fiducia
* 2314 Field
* 15986 Fienga
* 5365 Fievez
* 1099 Figneria
* 5316 Filatov
* 2892 Filipenko
* 1616 Filipoff
* 13088 Filipportera
* 21687 Filopanti
* 795 Fini
* 10891 Fink
* 5706 Finkelstein
* 1794 Finsen
* 13638 Fiorenza
* 4231 Fireman
* 7722 Firneis
* 42482 Fischer-Dieskau
* 21451 Fisher
* 21396 Fisher-Ives
* 22623 Fisico
* 3665 Fitzgerald
* 8330 Fitzroy
* 4985 Fitzsimmons
* 3342 Fivesparks
* 43955 Fixlmüller


* 9040 Flacourtia
* 2118 Flagstaff
* 6582 Flagsymphony
* 18099 Flamini
* 1021 Flammario
* 8752 Flammeus
* 4987 Flamsteed
* 18368 Flandrau
* 11379 Flaubert
* 2588 Flavia
* 14065 Flegel
* 12218 Fleischer
* 14632 Flensburg
* 9359 Fleringe
* 3265 Fletcher
* 10203 Flinders
* 1736 Floirac
* 4220 Flood
* 8 Flora
* 3518 Florena
* 3122 Florence
* 321 Florentina
* 8430 Florey
* 1689 Floris-Jan
* 2302 Florya
* 6689 Floss
* 2994 Flynn


* 11021 Foderà
* 6771 Foerster
* 2181 Fogelin
* 8616 Fogelquist
* 5323 Fogh
* 9102 Foglar
* 13147 Foglia
* 7006 Folco
* 10129 Fole
* 17952 Folsom
* 5198 Fongyunwah
* 8667 Fontane
* 10069 Fontenelle
* 21409 Forbes
* 13852 Ford
* 18122 Forestamartin
* 11333 Forman
* 11360 Formigine
* 13248 Fornasier
* 7629 Foros
* 3223 Forsius
* 1054 Forsytia
* 41986 Fort Bend
* 3813 Fortov
* 9548 Fortran
* 19 Fortuna
* 2789 Foshan
* 24654 Fossett
* 23032 Fossey
* 5668 Foucault
* 11670 Fountain
* 20898 Fountainhills
* 13180 Fourcroy
* 10101 Fourier
* 2762 Fowler
* 16248 Fox


* 3625 Fracastoro
* 6085 Fraethi
* 1105 Fragaria
* 8235 Fragonard
* 4859 Fraknoi
* 11625 Francelinda
* 22598 Francespearl
* 2133 Franceswright
* 1212 Francette
* 2050 Francis
* 7115 Franciscuszeno
* 61402 Franciseveritt
* 22148 Francislee
* 95802 Francismuir
* 4546 Franck
* 7831 François-Xavier
* 21685 Francomallia
* 25601 Francopacini
* 22860 Francylemp
* 16252 Franfrost
* 18095 Frankblock
* 21470 Frankchuang
* 43083 Frankconrad
* 2824 Franke
* 10246 Frankenwald
* 31098 Frankhill
* 9662 Frankhubbard
* 982 Franklina
* 1925 Franklin-Adams
* 2845 Franklinken
* 24671 Frankmartin
* 18238 Frankshu
* 21789 Frankwasser
* 21466 Franpelrine
* 10981 Fransaris
* 66939 Franscini
* 11242 Franspost
* 3917 Franz Schubert
* 862 Franzia
* 520 Franziska
* 3183 Franzkaiser
* 15282 Franzmarc
* 65694 Franzrosenzweig
* 20246 Frappa
* 13208 Fraschetti
* 34138 Frasso Sabino
* 309 Fraternitas
* 13478 Fraunhofer
* 10323 Frazer
* 21537 Fréchet
* 1093 Freda
* 678 Fredegundis
* 46095 Frédérickoby
* 4418 Fredfranklin
* 6375 Fredharris
* 21659 Fredholm
* 41943 Fredrick
* 11795 Fredrikbruhn
* 20313 Fredrikson
* 13859 Fredtreasure
* 5691 Fredwatson
* 22846 Fredwhitaker
* 4159 Freeman
* 21665 Frege
* 76 Freia
* 20593 Freilich
* 14940 Freiligrath
* 3506 French
* 4482 Frèrebasile
* 10303 Fréret
* 11289 Frescobaldi
* 10111 Fresnel
* 3369 Freuchen
* 4342 Freud
* 9689 Freudenthal
* 5137 Frevert
* 1561 Fricke
* 3491 Fridolin
* 722 Frieda
* 3642 Frieden
* 538 Friederike
* 3651 Friedman
* 5296 Friedrich
* 77 Frigga
* 30306 Frigyesriesz
* 5115 Frimout
* 709 Fringilla
* 13977 Frisch
* 1253 Frisia
* 21541 Friskop
* 10979 Fristephenson
* 4394 Fritzheide
* 23111 Fritzperls
* 6666 Frö
* 10835 Fröbel
* 22474 Frobenius
* 8583 Froberger
* 10122 Fröding
* 4732 Froeschlé
* 10127 Fröjel
* 6165 Frolova
* 11520 Fromm
* 854 Frostia
* 18635 Frouard
* 13869 Fruge
* 15604 Fruits
* 31650 Frýdek-Místek


* 22495 Fubini
* 7891 Fuchie
* 11316 Fuchitatsuo
* 9638 Fuchs
* 2345 Fučik
* 3996 Fugaku
* 6770 Fugate
* 11256 Fuglesang
* 1584 Fuji
* 2184 Fujian
* 11255 Fujiiekio
* 8387 Fujimori
* 12408 Fujioka
* 5352 Fujita
* 6410 Fujiwara
* 4873 Fukaya
* 39809 Fukuchan
* 8043 Fukuhara
* 6924 Fukui
* 11495 Fukunaga
* 8159 Fukuoka
* 3915 Fukushima
* 3486 Fulchignoni
* 12846 Fullerton
* 20373 Fullmer
* 5785 Fulton
* 8224 Fultonwright
* 609 Fulvia
* 23455 Fumi
* 6869 Funada
* 9842 Funakoshi
* 5712 Funke
* 6511 Furmanov
* 6753 Fursenko
* 7505 Furusho
* 13815 Furuya
* 16759 Furuyama
* 42747 Fuser
* 4778 Fuss
* 16507 Fuuren
* 55892 Fuzhougezhi


* 4371 Fyodorov



* 21701 Gabemendoza
* 8554 Gabreta
* 355 Gabriella
* 33532 Gabriellacoli
* 2206 Gabrova
* 1665 Gaby
* 14071 Gadabird
* 20539 Gadberry
* 2638 Gadolin
* 13551 Gadsden
* 43971 Gabzdyl
* 1184 Gaea
* 14224 Gaede
* 132445 Gaertner
* 3545 Gaffey
* 1772 Gagarin
* 20850 Gaglani
* 10997 Gahm
* 10176 Gaiavettori
* 8451 Gaidai
* 1358 Gaika
* 10424 Gaillard
* 14092 Gaily
* 9502 Gaimar
* 8236 Gainsborough
* 14789 GAISH
* 7259 Gaithersburg
* 1835 Gajdariya
* 3603 Gajdušek
* 9786 Gakutensoku
* 2082 Galahad
* 6241 Galante
* 1250 Galanthus
* 16809 Galápagos
* 74 Galatea
* 4089 Galbraith
* 13914 Galegant
* 427 Galene
* 19009 Galenmaly
* 22611 Galerkin
* 11958 Galiani
* 7413 Galibina
* 697 Galilea
* 3576 Galina
* 17859 Galinaryabova
* 21448 Galindo
* 4080 Galinskij
* 3595 Gallagher
* 6719 Gallaj
* 17897 Gallardo
* 2097 Galle
* 148 Gallia
* 8764 Gallinago
* 9130 Galois
* 10184 Galvani
* 1992 Galvarino
* 2317 Galya
* 21514 Gamalski
* 8538 Gammelmaja
* 8816 Gamow
* 7509 Gamzatov
* 2415 Ganesa
* 17484 Ganghofer
* 22706 Ganguly
* 2515 Gansu
* 3330 Gantrisch
* 1036 Ganymed
* 3704 Gaoshiqi
* 38980 Gaoyaojie
* 3076 Garber
* 4442 Garcia
* 2587 Gardner
* 10257 Garecynthia
* 4317 Garibaldi
* 1435 Garlena
* 14094 Garneau
* 78394 Garossino
* 5066 Garradd
* 21990 Garretyazzie
* 19533 Garrison
* 16997 Garrone
* 2307 Garuda
* 180 Garumna
* 4735 Gary
* 7273 Garyhuss
* 54693 Garymyers
* 20573 Garynadler
* 12001 Gasbarini
* 2388 Gase
* 16073 Gaskin
* 16973 Gaspari
* 951 Gaspra
* 12185 Gasprinskij
* 8937 Gassan
* 7179 Gassendi
* 10185 Gaudi
* 8061 Gaudium
* 10136 Gauguin
* 6478 Gault
* 1001 Gaussia
* 5444 Gautier
* 21515 Gavini
* 2504 Gaviola
* 22405 Gavioliremo
* 7369 Gavrilin
* 4658 Gavrilov
* 2054 Gawain
* 22527 Gawlik
* 22120 Gaylefarrar
* 11969 Gay-Lussac


* 9298 Geake
* 4012 Geballe
* 764 Gedania
* 13027 Geeraerts
* 1267 Geertruida
* 17855 Geffert
* 1272 Gefion
* 15389 Geflorsch
* 1777 Gehrels
* 5891 Gehrig
* 31086 Gehringer
* 4304 Geichenko
* 14413 Geiger
* 2571 Geisei
* 1047 Geisha
* 18032 Geiss
* 4261 Gekko
* 1199 Geldonia
* 23625 Gelfond
* 1073 Gellivara
* 8222 Gellner
* 1385 Gelria
* 4782 Gembloux
* 15957 Gemoore
* 3143 Genecampbell
* 17250 Genelucas
* 11756 Geneparker
* 1237 Geneviève
* 21359 Geng
* 2093 Genichesk
* 680 Genoveva
* 8824 Genta
* 2872 Gentelec
* 14831 Gentileschi
* 485 Genua
* 18241 Genzel
* 11753 Geoffburbidge
* 129101 Geoffcollyer
* 13018 Geoffjames
* 10289 Geoffperry
* 9193 Geoffreycopland
* 21714 Geoffreywoo
* 12896 Geoffroy
* 1620 Geographos
* 376 Geometria
* 7578 Georgböhm
* 3854 George
* 6400 Georgealexander
* 16225 Georgebaldo
* 9704 Georgebeekman
* 144633 Georgecarroll
* 21437 Georgechen
* 16074 Georgekaplan
* 6202 Georgemiley
* 10733 Georgesand
* 11740 Georgesmith
* 359 Georgia
* 9119 Georgpeuerbach
* 3700 Geowilliams
* 300 Geraldina
* 1433 Geramtina
* 1227 Geranium
* 1337 Gerarda
* 8297 Gérardfaure
* 3945 Gerasimenko
* 2126 Gerasimovich
* 9718 Gerbefremov
* 122 Gerda
* 10953 Gerdatschira
* 8853 Gerdlehmann
* 4102 Gergana
* 7215 Gerhard
* 40764 Gerhardiser
* 6164 Gerhardmüller
* 3346 Gerla
* 663 Gerlinde
* 241 Germania
* 13010 Germantitov
* 6079 Gerokurat
* 58608 Geroldrichter
* 2327 Gershberg
* 8249 Gershwin
* 3887 Gerstner
* 686 Gersuind
* 21369 Gertfinger
* 1382 Gerti
* 710 Gertrud
* 78433 Gertrudolf
* 20883 Gervais
* 9079 Gesner
* 113355 Gessler
* 8700 Gevaert
* 21551 Geyang
* 4380 Geyer
* 1672 Gezelle


* 9473 Ghent
* 6054 Ghiberti
* 7112 Ghislaine
* 17927 Ghoshal
* 21840 Ghoshchoudhury


* 3371 Giacconi
* 1756 Giacobini
* 15567 Giacomelli
* 11905 Giacometti
* 6877 Giada
* 39849 Giampieri
* 21588 Gianelli
* 6515 Giannigalli
* 64975 Gianrix
* 2937 Gibbs
* 7728 Giblin
* 2742 Gibson
* 1741 Giclas
* 11298 Gide
* 39557 Gielgud
* 10529 Giessenburg
* 4819 Gifford
* 6720 Gifu
* 10371 Gigli
* 6602 Gilclark
* 1812 Gilgamesh
* 4878 Gilhutton
* 6339 Giliberti
* 74509 Gillett
* 2537 Gilmore
* 11006 Gilson
* 3863 Gilyarovskij
* 17066 Ginagallant
* 8716 Ginestra
* 613 Ginevra
* 5474 Gingasen
* 2658 Gingerich
* 15019 Gingold
* 85197 Ginkgo
* 27056 Ginoloria
* 11098 Ginsberg
* 11084 Giò
* 59417 Giocasilli
* 1599 Giomus
* 6519 Giono
* 5148 Giordano
* 6775 Giorgini
* 7367 Giotto
* 15036 Giovannianselmi
* 16906 Giovannisilva
* 29356 Giovarduino
* 16130 Giovine
* 27095 Girardiwanda
* 15723 Girraween
* 352 Gisela
* 49481 Gisellarubini
* 492 Gismonda
* 9821 Gitakresáková
* 17088 Giupalazzolo
* 6533 Giuseppina
* 5249 Giza


* 7638 Gladman
* 3909 Gladys
* 2914 Glärnisch
* 1687 Glarona
* 857 Glasenappia
* 5805 Glasgow
* 32564 Glass
* 19719 Glasser
* 11703 Glassman
* 288 Glauke
* 1870 Glaukos
* 10099 Glazebrook
* 3616 Glazunov
* 10639 Gleason
* 6108 Glebov
* 29197 Gleim
* 3852 Glennford
* 29565 Glenngould
* 5062 Glennmiller
* 17240 Gletorrence
* 4967 Glia
* 1823 Gliese
* 5551 Glikson
* 2205 Glinka
* 7124 Glinos
* 3267 Glo
* 21608 Gloyna
* 7624 Gluck
* 25800 Glukhovsky
* 6357 Glushko
* 5861 Glynjones


* 13350 Gmelin


* 8165 Gnädig
* 5084 Gnedin
* 9965 GNU


* 316 Goberta
* 7094 Godaisan
* 7043 Godart
* 9252 Goddard
* 3366 Gödel
* 24935 Godfreyhardy
* 12715 Godin
* 3018 Godiva
* 8268 Goerdeler
* 3047 Goethe
* 1728 Goethe Link
* 5074 Goetzoertel
* 6740 Goff
* 1722 Goffin
* 2361 Gogol
* 12291 Gohnaumann
* 5839 GOI
* 18027 Gokcay
* 5156 Golant
* 3329 Golay
* 4955 Gold
* 3101 Goldberger
* 4423 Golden
* 16452 Goldfinger
* 8610 Goldhaber
* 20793 Goldinaaron
* 10153 Goldman
* 3805 Goldreich
* 1614 Goldschmidt
* 5393 Goldstein
* 4433 Goldstone
* 6489 Golevka
* 1226 Golia
* 7161 Golitsyn
* 6456 Golombek
* 15675 Goloseevo
* 7729 Golovanov
* 2466 Golson
* 17856 Gomes
* 90140 Gómezdonet
* 7035 Gomi
* 5361 Goncharov
* 7998 Gonczi
* 1891 Gondola
* 1562 Gondolatsch
* 21523 GONG
* 22909 Gongmyunglee
* 1177 Gonnessia
* 15628 Gonzales
* 16857 Goodall
* 11790 Goode
* 12911 Goodhue
* 4239 Goodman
* 3116 Goodricke
* 8202 Gooley
* 7754 Gopalan
* 8783 Gopasyuk
* 4509 Gorbatskij
* 5014 Gorchakov
* 305 Gordonia
* 8013 Gordonmoore
* 20298 Gordonsu
* 7801 Goretti
* 681 Gorgo
* 48373 Gorgythion
* 11704 Gorin
* 7675 Gorizia
* 17198 Gorjup
* 4654 Gor'kavyj
* 2768 Gorky
* 3818 Gorlitsa
* 5988 Gorodnitskij
* 2723 Gorshkov
* 5075 Goryachev
* 21858 Gosal
* 9490 Gosemeijer
* 22402 Goshi
* 3585 Goshirakawa
* 23776 Gosset
* 3640 Gostin
* 10551 Göteborg
* 10141 Gotenba
* 1346 Gotha
* 1710 Gothard
* 1188 Gothlandia
* 1049 Gotho
* 2621 Goto
* 9648 Gotouhideo
* 7618 Gotoyukichi
* 18668 Gottesman
* 9507 Gottfried
* 11588 Gottfriedkeller
* 6841 Gottfriedkirch
* 2278 Götz
* 9688 Goudsmit
* 9708 Gouka
* 6948 Gounelle
* 23777 Goursat
* 8371 Goven
* 4430 Govorukhin
* 9677 Gowlandhopkins
* 6592 Goya


* 142562 Graetz
* 19428 Gracehsu
* 9341 Gracekelly
* 3632 Grachevka
* 4471 Graculus
* 3253 Gradie
* 3202 Graff
* 3541 Graham
* 9617 Grahamchapman
* 5479 Grahamryder
* 4247 Grahamsmith
* 43999 Gramigna
* 2666 Gramme
* 10960 Gran Sasso
* 1159 Granada
* 8039 Grandprism
* 4885 Grange
* 1451 Granö
* 3154 Grant
* 11693 Grantelliott
* 112797 Grantjudy
* 19413 Grantlewis
* 13752 Grantstokes
* 1661 Granule
* 11496 Grass
* 424 Gratia
* 30798 Graubünden
* 18871 Grauer
* 9175 Graun
* 21648 Gravanschaik
* 18824 Graves
* 9682 Gravesande
* 12517 Grayzeck
* 2806 Graz
* 4268 Grebenikov
* 3148 Grechko
* 30785 Greeley
* 12016 Green
* 11067 Greenancy
* 3387 Greenberg
* 19631 Greensleeves
* 4612 Greenstein
* 2830 Greenwich
* 8974 Gregaria
* 9984 Gregbryant
* 16046 Gregnorman
* 14659 Gregoriana
* 100019 Gregorianik
* 2527 Gregory
* 10114 Greifswald
* 7462 Grenoble
* 15523 Grenville
* 4396 Gressmann
* 19679 Gretabetteo
* 10658 Gretadevries
* 20336 Gretamills
* 984 Gretia
* 3280 Grétry
* 2837 Griboedov
* 4872 Grieg
* 7807 Grier
* 11547 Griesser
* 2049 Grietje
* 4451 Grieve
* 128177 Griffioen
* 16253 Griffis
* 11707 Grigery
* 10305 Grignard
* 12219 Grigor'ev
* 30933 Grillparzer
* 6912 Grimm
* 2786 Grinevia
* 11874 Gringauz
* 1362 Griqua
* 493 Griseldis
* 15203 Grishanin
* 2161 Grissom
* 21614 Grochowski
* 1674 Groeneveld
* 16908 Groeselenberg
* 2565 Grögler
* 4920 Gromov
* 96217 Gronchi
* 18016 Grondahl
* 5129 Groom
* 9577 Gropius
* 33800 Gross
* 4565 Grossman
* 6886 Grote
* 13278 Grotecloss
* 9994 Grotius
* 10812 Grötlingbo
* 16280 Groussin
* 17950 Grover
* 19429 Grubaugh
* 1058 Grubba
* 26355 Grueber
* 4571 Grumiaux
* 4240 Grün
* 13927 Grundy
* 9645 Grünewald
* 6561 Gruppetta
* 6516 Gruss
* 3336 Grygar
* 24662 Gryll
* 496 Gryphia
* 6136 Gryphon


* 1993 Guacolda
* 7497 Guangcaishiye
* 2185 Guangdong
* 2655 Guangxi
* 3048 Guangzhou
* 21615 Guardamano
* 8124 Guardi
* 19185 Guarneri
* 10797 Guatemala
* 2544 Gubarev
* 4860 Gubbio
* 39748 Guccini
* 2595 Gudiachvili
* 328 Gudrun
* 799 Gudula
* 2105 Gudy
* 11537 Guericke
* 2293 Guernica
* 15005 Guerriero
* 4325 Guest
* 11942 Guettard
* 13328 Guetter
* 38269 Gueymard
* 21616 Guhagilford
* 120361 Guido
* 10605 Guidoni
* 27270 Guidotti
* 11353 Guillaume
* 10354 Guillaumebudé
* 3649 Guillermina
* 2483 Guinevere
* 12064 Guiraudon
* 1960 Guisan
* 19410 Guisard
* 2632 Guizhou
* 21429 Gulati
* 5276 Gulkis
* 6783 Gulyaev
* 4556 Gumilyov
* 73637 Guneus
* 891 Gunhild
* 983 Gunila
* 657 Gunlöd
* 3829 Gunma
* 18243 Gunn
* 10265 Gunnarsson
* 961 Gunnie
* 1944 Günter
* 19993 Günterseeber
* 4586 Gunvor
* 28513 Guo
* 2012 Guo Shou-Jing
* 14814 Gurij
* 9510 Gurnemanz
* 73692 Gürtler
* 6679 Gurzhij
* 8248 Gurzuf
* 32944 Gussalli
* 5498 Gustafsson
* 14980 Gustavbrom
* 85773 Gutbezahl
* 777 Gutemberga
* 3419 Guth
* 13279 Gutman
* 3697 Guyhurst
* 73342 Guyunusa


* 6574 Gvishiani


* 12252 Gwangju
* 10870 Gwendolen


* 5637 Gyas
* 806 Gyldenia
* 5030 Gyldenkerne
* 5138 Gyoda
* 444 Gyptis
* 13352 Gyssens
* 15577 Gywilliams



* 4066 Haapavesi
* 3853 Haas
* 59390 Habermas
* 5037 Habing
* 85199 Habsburg
* 10540 Hachigoroh
* 11108 Hachimantai
* 6200 Hachinohe
* 6612 Hachioji
* 8558 Hack
* 12323 Häckel
* 10382 Hadamard
* 39799 Hadano
* 14143 Hadfield
* 7446 Hadrianus
* 2151 Hadwiger
* 1894 Haffner
* 682 Hagar
* 7279 Hagfors
* 11127 Hagi
* 1971 Hagihara
* 12802 Hagino
* 8929 Haginoshinji
* 3676 Hahn
* 368 Haidea
* 17746 Haigha
* 135268 Haigneré
* 12477 Haiku
* 3024 Hainan
* 26879 Haines
* 7316 Hajdu
* 9822 Hajduková
* 1995 Hajek
* 21403 Haken
* 10400 Hakkaisan
* 11107 Hakkoda
* 1483 Hakoila
* 1098 Hakone
* 4812 Hakuhou
* 9000 Hal
* 5028 Halaesus
* 518 Halawe
* 7368 Haldancohn
* 36061 Haldane
* 1024 Hale
* 12974 Halitherses
* 3299 Hall
* 1308 Halleria
* 15071 Hallerstein
* 2688 Halley
* 3944 Halliday
* 2640 Hällström
* 29208 Halorentz
* 20274 Halperin
* 15146 Halpov
* 15904 Halstead
* 1460 Haltia
* 5720 Halweaver
* 7486 Hamabe
* 9053 Hamamelis
* 5468 Hamatonbetsu
* 120460 Hambach
* 449 Hamburga
* 2535 Hämeenlinna
* 452 Hamiltonia
* 2733 Hamina
* 3530 Hammel
* 6044 Hammer-Purgstall
* 723 Hammonia
* 7207 Hammurabi
* 18961 Hampfreeman
* 16255 Hampton
* 9373 Hamra
* 5838 Hamsun
* 14226 Hamura
* 20856 Hamzabari
* 5777 Hanaki
* 11282 Hanakusa
* 6418 Hanamigahara
* 11878 Hanamiyama
* 3731 Hancock
* 2166 Handahl
* 3826 Handel
* 2718 Handley
* 22939 Handlin
* 23504 Haneda
* 7902 Hanff
* 15583 Hanick
* 4582 Hank
* 2299 Hanko
* 1668 Hanna
* 38020 Hannadam
* 100027 Hannaharendt
* 21695 Hannahwolf
* 4664 Hanner
* 2152 Hannibal
* 2573 Hannu Olavi
* 7816 Hanoi
* 480 Hansa
* 4775 Hansen
* 29328 Hanshintigers
* 1118 Hanskya
* 11019 Hansrott
* 13177 Hansschmidt
* 4991 Hansuess
* 2211 Hanuman
* 27986 Hanuš
* 10173 Hanzelkazikmund
* 3257 Hanzlík
* 724 Hapag
* 3549 Hapke
* 578 Happelia
* 7345 Happer
* 4640 Hara
* 6399 Harada
* 17933 Haraguchi
* 7143 Haramura
* 2851 Harbin
* 9251 Harch
* 2003 Harding
* 2866 Hardy
* 20279 Harel
* 1372 Haremari
* 11777 Hargrave
* 10955 Harig
* 2582 Harimaya-Bashi
* 24944 Harish-Chandra
* 3842 Harlansmith
* 22570 Harleyzhang
* 40 Harmonia
* 6761 Haroldconnolly
* 16254 Harper
* 11715 Harperclark
* 1744 Harriet
* 3216 Harrington
* 2929 Harris
* 4149 Harrison
* 5972 Harryatkinson
* 1914 Hartbeespoortdam
* 4768 Hartley
* 3341 Hartmann
* 1531 Hartmut
* 81915 Hartwick
* 10582 Harumi
* 12734 Haruna
* 18177 Harunaga
* 6423 Harunasan
* 5286 Haruomukai
* 5848 Harutoriko
* 736 Harvard
* 4278 Harvey
* 2853 Harvill
* 7040 Harwood
* 10249 Harz
* 8431 Haseda
* 3227 Hasegawa
* 2734 Hašek
* 8301 Haseyuji
* 11545 Hashimoto
* 7611 Hashitatsu
* 18110 HASI
* 37939 Hašler
* 7478 Hasse
* 13014 Hasslacher
* 16589 Hastrup
* 6887 Hasuo
* 4051 Hatanaka
* 2340 Hathor
* 2436 Hatshepsut
* 17759 Hatta
* 7308 Hattori
* 18779 Hattyhong
* 2407 Haug
* 2870 Haupt
* 8381 Hauptmann
* 24947 Hausdorff
* 14068 Hauserová
* 16524 Hausmann
* 7755 Haute-Provence
* 11095 Havana
* 362 Havnia
* 48575 Hawaii
* 17945 Hawass
* 3452 Hawke
* 7672 Hawking
* 8710 Hawley
* 1824 Haworth
* 3125 Hay
* 11129 Hayachine
* 4773 Hayakawa
* 6880 Hayamiyu
* 11324 Hayamizu
* 4771 Hayashi
* 22874 Haydeephelps
* 3941 Haydn
* 8082 Haynes
* 11718 Hayward
* 10832 Hazamashigetomi
* 9305 Hazard
* 3846 Hazel


* 66479 Healy
* 3023 Heard
* 5207 Hearnshaw
* 14564 Heasley
* 8110 Heath
* 3922 Heather
* 18679 Heatherenae
* 22599 Heatherhall
* 22873 Heatherholt
* 21856 Heathermaria
* 6 Hebe
* 2505 Hebei
* 10484 Hecht
* 1650 Heckmann
* 108 Hecuba
* 20282 Hedberg
* 207 Hedda
* 1251 Hedera
* 5837 Hedin
* 476 Hedwig
* 19423 Hefter
* 14845 Hegel
* 325 Heidelberga
* 2521 Heidi
* 10252 Heidigraf
* 1732 Heike
* 2380 Heilongjiang
* 3990 Heimdal
* 10637 Heimlich
* 17447 Heindl
* 7109 Heine
* 2016 Heinemann
* 6371 Heinlein
* 2943 Heinrich
* 10509 Heinrichkayser
* 4290 Heisei
* 13149 Heisenberg
* 5287 Heishu
* 2379 Heiskanen
* 22291 Heitifer
* 4014 Heizman
* 100 Hekate
* 2245 Hekatostos
* 624 Hektor
* 949 Hel
* 699 Hela
* 16969 Helamuda
* 101 Helena
* 6333 Helenejacq
* 111696 Helenorman
* 1872 Helenos
* 78432 Helensailer
* 9038 Helensteel
* 123818 Helenzier
* 1845 Helewalda
* 8067 Helfenstein
* 2290 Helffrich
* 522 Helga
* 6305 Helgoland
* 8980 Heliaca
* 21392 Helibrochier
* 1075 Helina
* 895 Helio
* 967 Helionape
* 1370 Hella
* 10250 Hellahaasse
* 1273 Helma
* 11573 Helmholtz
* 10549 Helsingborg
* 1495 Helsinki
* 113390 Helvetia
* 6972 Helvetius
* 801 Helwerthia
* 9671 Hemera
* 9615 Hemerijckx
* 3656 Hemingway
* 12354 Hemmerechts
* 21449 Hemmick
* 9820 Hempel
* 10124 Hemse
* 2085 Henan
* 2005 Hencke
* 33529 Henden
* 3077 Henderson
* 6066 Hendricks
* 20317 Hendrickson
* 4506 Hendrie
* 7840 Hendrika
* 10021 Henja
* 14164 Hennigar
* 11012 Henning
* 7005 Henninghaack
* 20589 Hennyadmoni
* 6122 Henrard
* 225 Henrietta
* 826 Henrika
* 1516 Henry
* 18979 Henryfong
* 19454 Henrymarr
* 9016 Henrymoore
* 27710 Henseling
* 1365 Henyey
* 72059 Heojun
* 2212 Hephaistos
* 14080 Heppenheim
* 103 Hera
* 5143 Heracles
* 5204 Herakleitos
* 3696 Herald
* 880 Herba
* 4481 Herbelin
* 23774 Herbelliott
* 1363 Herberta
* 7378 Herbertpalme
* 9931 Herbhauptman
* 11754 Herbig
* 20156 Herbwindolf
* 532 Herculina
* 458 Hercynia
* 8158 Herder
* 6843 Heremon
* 1885 Herero
* 10669 Herfordia
* 1652 Hergé
* 3099 Hergenrother
* 1751 Herget
* 3234 Hergiani
* 923 Herluga
* 21544 Hermainkhan
* 10239 Hermann
* 23889 Hermanngrassmann
* 9762 Hermannhesse
* 32267 Hermannweyl
* 346 Hermentaria
* 69230 Hermes
* 685 Hermia
* 27984 Herminefranz
* 121 Hermione
* 4758 Hermitage
* 24998 Hermite
* 2630 Hermod
* 19079 Hernández
* 6686 Hernius
* 546 Herodias
* 3092 Herodotus
* 3970 Herran
* 12567 Herreweghe
* 1579 Herrick
* 4124 Herriot
* 2000 Herschel
* 6153 Hershey
* 206 Hersilia
* 31203 Hersman
* 135 Hertha
* 16761 Hertz
* 1693 Hertzsprung
* 3316 Herzberg
* 3052 Herzen
* 1952 Hesburgh
* 8550 Hesiodos
* 69 Hesperia
* 2844 Hess
* 5846 Hessen
* 46 Hestia
* 15971 Hestroffer
* 6127 Hetherington
* 82232 Heuberger
* 4602 Heudier
* 4133 Heureka
* 21075 Heussinger
* 5703 Hevelius
* 24168 Hexlein
* 2473 Heyerdahl
* 5446 Heyler
* 7738 Heyman
* 3069 Heyrovský
* 3746 Heyuan
* 21118 Hezimmermann


* 8762 Hiaticula
* 2441 Hibbs
* 11494 Hibiki
* 11719 Hicklen
* 2220 Hicks
* 944 Hidalgo
* 9081 Hideakianno
* 6345 Hideo
* 6902 Hideoasada
* 12047 Hideomitani
* 12003 Hideosugai
* 6459 Hidesan
* 9964 Hideyonoguchi
* 6731 Hiei
* 8579 Hieizan
* 7119 Hiera
* 24999 Hieronymus
* 14606 Hifleischer
* 14316 Higashichichibu
* 3025 Higson
* 29404 Hikarusato
* 58084 Hiketaon
* 6329 Hikonejyo
* 13315 Hilana
* 996 Hilaritas
* 12022 Hilbert
* 153 Hilda
* 684 Hildburg
* 5661 Hildebrand
* 898 Hildegard
* 7311 Hildehan
* 928 Hildrun
* 1642 Hill
* 3130 Hillary
* 19500 Hillaryfultz
* 18803 Hillaryoas
* 6395 Hilliard
* 4924 Hiltner
* 11933 Himuka
* 1897 Hind
* 5157 Hindemith
* 3404 Hinderer
* 18948 Hinkle
* 5072 Hioki
* 21521 Hippalgaonkar
* 4000 Hipparchus
* 17492 Hippasos
* 426 Hippo
* 9054 Hippocastanum
* 5085 Hippocrene
* 692 Hippodamia
* 30698 Hippokoon
* 14367 Hippokrates
* 129137 Hippolochos
* 10295 Hippolyta
* 6390 Hirabayashi
* 8144 Hiragagennai
* 10609 Hirai
* 9333 Hiraimasa
* 10029 Hiramperkins
* 11072 Hiraoka
* 4799 Hirasawa
* 1999 Hirayama
* 6975 Hiroaki
* 8410 Hiroakiohno
* 55875 Hirohatagaoka
* 9323 Hirohisasato
* 8931 Hirokimatsuo
* 6225 Hiroko
* 9986 Hirokun
* 4905 Hiromi
* 6709 Hiromiyuki
* 6978 Hironaka
* 2356 Hirons
* 1612 Hirose
* 10009 Hirosetanso
* 4677 Hiroshi
* 30879 Hiroshikanai
* 2247 Hiroshima
* 54237 Hiroshimanabe
* 14214 Hirsch
* 3172 Hirst
* 706 Hirundo
* 7493 Hirzo
* 6094 Hisako
* 5354 Hisayo
* 804 Hispania
* 2746 Hissao
* 7032 Hitchcock
* 9386 Hitomi
* 11317 Hitoshi
* 7235 Hitsuzan
* 10782 Hittmair
* 6883 Hiuchigatake
* 10601 Hiwatashi


* 8868 Hjorter
* 6119 Hjorth


* 73704 Hladiuk
* 10763 Hlawka
* 15960 Hluboká


* 3225 Hoag
* 7012 Hobbes
* 4774 Hobetsu
* 18777 Hobson
* 10104 Hoburgsgubben
* 16544 Hochlehnert
* 14203 Hocking
* 4669 Høder
* 14466 Hodge
* 5422 Hodgkin
* 2888 Hodgson
* 21047 Hodierna
* 22222 Hodios
* 17486 Hodler
* 8111 Hoepli
* 1662 Hoffmann
* 1726 Hoffmeister
* 8057 Hofmannsthal
* 10243 Hohe Meissner
* 788 Hohensteina
* 85215 Hohenzollern
* 14872 Hoher List
* 9661 Hohmann
* 13473 Hokema
* 3720 Hokkaido
* 14566 Hokule'a
* 5374 Hokutosei
* 6064 Holašovice
* 6956 Holbach
* 3033 Holbaek
* 8122 Holbein
* 872 Holda
* 2974 Holden
* 9189 Hölderlin
* 14835 Holdridge
* 4431 Holeungholee
* 9266 Holger
* 1132 Hollandia
* 46280 Hollar
* 18193 Hollilydrury
* 6711 Holliman
* 4084 Hollis
* 9144 Hollisjohnson
* 12113 Hollows
* 19955 Hollý
* 3666 Holman
* 3573 Holmberg
* 3764 Holmesacourt
* 10105 Holmhällar
* 378 Holmia
* 3590 Holst
* 6402 Holstein
* 4435 Holt
* 4277 Holubov
* 13421 Holvorcem
* 5700 Homerus
* 3904 Honda
* 11055 Honduras
* 27846 Honegger
* 5536 Honeycutt
* 15627 Hong
* 3297 Hong Kong
* 94400 Hongdaeyong
* 51983 Hönig
* 1699 Honkasalo
* 236 Honoria
* 29484 Honzaveselý
* 6072 Hooghoudt
* 3514 Hooke
* 932 Hooveria
* 17020 Hopemeraengus
* 25142 Hopf
* 2938 Hopi
* 17954 Hopkins
* 1985 Hopmann
* 3499 Hoppe
* 4294 Horatius
* 17941 Horbatt
* 2435 Horemheb
* 23718 Horgos
* 8500 Hori
* 7844 Horikawa
* 10885 Horimasato
* 11409 Horkheimer
* 3137 Horky
* 805 Hormuthia
* 3744 Horn-d'Arturo
* 11132 Horne
* 6712 Hornstein
* 11720 Horodyskyj
* 8374 Horohata
* 6176 Horrigan
* 3078 Horrocks
* 2913 Horta
* 13116 Hortensia
* 21527 Horton
* 8966 Hortulana
* 4323 Hortulus
* 1924 Horus
* 6300 Hosamu
* 14926 Hoshide
* 6088 Hoshigakubo
* 7429 Hoshikawa
* 3828 Hoshino
* 4971 Hoshinohiroba
* 2909 Hoshi-no-ie
* 3814 Hoshi-no-mura
* 6989 Hoshinosato
* 16624 Hoshizawa
* 12223 Hoskin
* 8218 Hosty
* 11138 Hotakadake
* 3705 Hotellasilla
* 17673 Houkidaisen
* 8407 Houlahan
* 4950 House
* 16259 Housinger
* 2550 Houssay
* 3031 Houston
* 9690 Houtgast
* 10650 Houtman
* 2534 Houzeau
* 9069 Hovland
* 12561 Howard
* 15396 Howardmoore
* 15091 Howell
* 5045 Hoyin
* 8077 Hoyle
* 3888 Hoyt


* 4112 Hrabal
* 13804 Hrazany
* 5946 Hrozný
* 18841 Hruška


* 17857 Hsieh
* 21633 Hsingpenyuan


* 37163 Huachucaclub
* 3502 Huangpu
* 3014 Huangsushu
* 21634 Huangweikang
* 4331 Hubbard
* 2069 Hubble
* 65657 Hube
* 2547 Hubei
* 260 Huberta
* 9631 Hubertreeves
* 8847 Huch
* 21258 Huckins
* 15399 Hudec
* 5723 Hudson
* 7921 Huebner
* 379 Huenna
* 21636 Huertas
* 10839 Hufeland
* 2635 Huggins
* 71000 Hughdowns
* 1878 Hughes
* 20789 Hughgrant
* 14146 Hughmaclean
* 2106 Hugo
* 12381 Hugoclaus
* 5177 Hugowolf
* 34778 Huhunglick
* 9488 Huia
* 5390 Huichiming
* 88297 Huikilolani
* 17022 Huisjen
* 30844 Hukeller
* 37279 Hukvaldy
* 34738 Hulbert
* 4285 Hulkower
* 2070 Humason
* 4877 Humboldt
* 7009 Hume
* 12050 Humecronyn
* 7705 Humeln
* 16398 Hummel
* 9913 Humperdinck
* 10172 Humphreys
* 17627 Humptydumpty
* 2592 Hunan
* 6231 Hundertwasser
* 434 Hungaria
* 19788 Hunker
* 1452 Hunnia
* 10254 Hunsrück
* 23041 Hunt
* 9122 Hunten
* 7225 Huntress
* 3730 Hurban
* 3434 Hurless
* 16929 Hurník
* 3939 Huruhata
* 3425 Hurukawa
* 29472 Hurvínek
* 25237 Hurwitz
* 1840 Hus
* 7528 Huskvarna
* 5308 Hutchison
* 3203 Huth
* 117572 Hutsebaut
* 6130 Hutton
* 38628 Huya
* 2801 Huygens
* 22530 Huynh-Le
* 4143 Huziak


* 1678 Hveen
* 3980 Hviezdoslav


* 8516 Hyakkai
* 15740 Hyakumangoku
* 7291 Hyakutake
* 430 Hybris
* 22857 Hyde
* 14605 Hyeyeonchoi
* 10 Hygiea
* 10370 Hylonome
* 1842 Hynek
* 6879 Hyogo
* 8552 Hyoichi
* 238 Hypatia
* 1309 Hyperborea
* 18228 Hyperenor
* 14827 Hypnos
* 587 Hypsipyle
* 6210 Hyunseop

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