Aterian — [ə tir′ē ən] adj. [Fr atérien, after Bir el Ater, Algeria] designating or of the Middle or Upper Paleolithic culture of N Africa, characterized by arrowheads with barbs and tangs, etc … English World dictionary
Aterian industry — ▪ archaeology stone tool tradition of the Middle and Late Paleolithic, found widespread in the late Pleistocene throughout northern Africa. The Aterian people were among the first to use the bow and arrow. Aterian stone tools are an… … Universalium
Aterian — /euh tear ee euhn/, adj. Archaeol. of or indicating a Middle Paleolithic industry of northwestern Africa and the Sahara, characterized by the production of tanged points and bifacially worked leaf shaped points of varying sizes. [1925 30; < F… … Universalium
Aterian — adjective Of or pertaining to the Atlas mountains; especially to a style of Paleolithic stone tool from this region … Wiktionary
aterian — ate·ri·an … English syllables
Aterian — A•te•ri•an [[t]əˈtɪər i ən[/t]] adj. ara of or indicating a Middle Paleolithic industry of NW Africa and the Sahara, characterized by the production of various tanged and bifacially worked leaf shaped points • Etymology: 1925–30; < F atérien,… … From formal English to slang
aterian — əˈtirēən adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: French atérien, from Bir el Ater (Constantine), Algeria + French ien ian : of or belonging to a derived Mousterian culture of northern Africa which has in addition to the usual European… … Useful english dictionary
Атер — (Aterian), развитая среднепалеолитическая индустрия, центр которой находится в Атласских горах в Северной Африке, распространилась также в Ливию и в глубь Сахары. Некоторые орудия (боковые скребки и леваллуасские отщепы) напоминают… … Археологический словарь
Prehistoric Egypt — History of Egypt This article is part of a series Prehistory Ancient Egypt … Wikipedia
North Africa — North African. the northern part of Africa, esp. the region north of the tropical rain forest and comprised of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and that part of Egypt west of the Gulf of Suez. * * * Introduction region of Africa comprising … Universalium