

Villars may refer to: TOCright

In France

*Villars, Dordogne
*Villars, Eure-et-Loir
*Villars, Loire
*Villars, Vaucluse
*Villars-les-Dombes, Ain
*Villars-le-Sec, Territoire de Belfort

In Switzerland

*Canton of Jura
** Villars, Jura, Switzerland in the municipality Fontenais
*Canton of Fribourg
**Villars-d'Avry in the municipality Pont-en-Ogoz
**Villars-les-Joncs in the municipality Düdingen
**Villars-sous-Mont in the municipality Bas-Intyamon
**Villars-sur-Marly in the municipality Pierrafortscha
*Canton of Vaud
**Villars-sur-Ollon in the municipality Ollon
**Villars Bozon in the municipality L'Isle
**the municipality Bougy-Villars
**the municipality Lussery-Villars
**the municipality Villars-Bramard
**the municipality Villars-Burquin
**the municipality Villars-Epeney
**the municipality Villars-le-Comte
**the municipality Villars-le-Grand
**the municipality Villars-le-Terroir
**the municipality Villars-Mendraz
**the municipality Villars-Sainte-Croix
**the municipality Villars-sous-Champvent
**the municipality Villars-sous-Yens
**the municipality Villars-Tiercelin

ee also

*Claude Louis Hector de Villars, a Marshal of France
*Felix Villars (1921-2002), biophysicist

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