- VivirAquí
name = "VivirAqui"
type =Weekly Newspaper
format =Newsprint foundation =
owners =Editorial Vivir
political =Non-partisan
headquarters = TlalnepantlaEdomex
editor =Enrique M. Galindo
website = [http://www.viviraqui.com.mx/ www.viviraqui.com.mx]"VivirAquí" is a Mexican
newspaper based inTlalnepantla . The newspaper is published every week and is delivered free to 100 000 houses every Friday."VivirAquí"'s distribution area includes all the major residential zones located at Tlalnepantla, Atizapan and Naucalpan municipalities, which are part of the Mexican state of Mexico. Although this places are located in another state, they are considered, because of their proximity, as part of the metropolitan area ofMexico City ."VivirAquí" was created to respond to the lack of community and local media. The online version offers to the community with local information and a totally free online classified advertisement system, as well as providing information about local services.
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Jorge Flores Villa , Science writer and analyst
*Fernando Garcia Rojas , Medical and health advisor
*Alfredo Duque , Showbiz analyst and journalistReporters
Angelica Pineda , Journalist
*Claudia Lugo , Journalist
*Alfredo Perez , Sports analyst and journalist"VivirAqui" is printed at the following site:Talleres de Editorial Vivir S.R.L. de C.V., Naucalpan Estado de Mexico "VivirAqui" Website was developed by:Ciacomm Servicios Creativos SC Rodrigo Galindo - IT Director
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.