- Vlei
The word ""Vlei" comes from Dutch and Afrikaans and is the word used to describe certain classes of bodies of inland waters in
southern Africa . The pronunciation is "Flay".The word occurs by itself as a noun or as a suffix forming the names of bodies of water (e.g. "Rondevlei" (Round vlei), "Zeekoevlei" (Hippopotamus vlei) or "Brandvlei" (Burning vlei)). It appears on occasion as a prefix, e.g. "Vleifontein" (Vlei Fountain). The word is difficult to translate into a single equivalent word in English, because "vlei" is used in a variety of senses. One approximation is "pond" but this is perhaps at the same time misleading. The word "pond" tends to conjure up images of a cool, permanent body of water under oak trees somewhere in
Cambridgeshire with a pike living in it, whereas most "vleis" are not much like that. To some extent "vlei" overlaps with "lake" but once again this equivalence must be taken loosely. No Afrikaner would use the word "vlei" to describeLake Superior ,Lake Kariba orLoch Ness ."Vleis" are never pools in rivers. (The word for that is "kuil"). They are not
bog s orswamp s either. "Okefenoke " would never do as a "vlei". One definition of a "vlei" is "an isolated, open, shallow body of fresh inland water, that is not part of a watercourse and is usually reedy and typically seasonal". However, all these qualifications are to a degree arbitrary. The 'fresh' water may be quite brackish. The edges of the water may be lined with bullrushes or grass rather than reeds. The banks may even be stony or muddy.A "vlei" does not cease to be a "vlei" when it dries up for a while. That said, a low-lying area that rarely holds water and typically has a broad, flat, bare, salty floor is a "pan" rather than a "vlei". (The word is spelled the same in Afrikaans and English but in the former it is pronounced 'pun'). There is no absolute distinction between a "vlei" and a "pan". Examples are "Etoshapan" and "Verneukpan".
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