

"S'redit" are elephants. They are used by the Seanchan in Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time books.


Elephants are almost unknown in the Westlands, but they are used as war animals in Seanchan where they are known as s'redit. Valan Luca calls them giant boar-horses to make them more pronounceable and interesting.

There are three giant boar-horses in his circus:

Mer - the bull Sanit - the cow Nerin - the calf

ReferencesTGH,Ch47 - The Seanchan army pours out of Falme accompanied by raken, grolm, corlm, torm, and s'redit.

TFoH,Ch13 - Mer tears a hole in the front of The King's Lancer in Sienda costing Valan Luca most of his cash and a hasty departure from the town.

TFoH,Ch17 - Cerandin introduces Elayne and Nynaeve to Mer, Sanit and Nerin.

TFoH,Ch24 - Cerandin handled s'redit for the Empress in the Court of the Nine Moons.

TFoH,Ch38 - Cerandin leads her s'redit in a performance at Valan Luca's circus.

TFoH,Ch47 - Cerandin says that some prefer lopar or grolm for battle but she thinks properly handled s'redit are better.

TFoH,Ch47 - Cerandin refuses to leave the circus because she could not take her s'redit with her.

WH,Ch18 - The Seanchan bring many of their exotic creatures to Ebou Dar including torm, corlm, raken, to'raken and s'redit. S'redit are mainly used for carrying heavy loads.



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