Lorraine C. Ladish

Lorraine C. Ladish

Lorraine Carbonell Ladish is a Spanish-American author. She was born in Madrid, of American mother and Spanish father and spent her childhood in Pennsylvania and her adolescence in Spain. "I Feel Fat" (1993), her first book, was also the first to address the issue of eating disorders in Spain. It was written from the point of view of personal experience.

Carbonell Ladish is the author of over ten works of nonfiction and three novels, to include the following titles:"Fear of Eating", "I´m pregnant. Now what", "The Challenge of Writing and Publishing" and "Learning to Love", amongst others. Two of her novels are: "Voice Mail" and "Damn Author".
Some of her works have been translated from Spanish into Portuguese, Czech, and Catalan.
She is a professional translator and interpreter, and the author of a creative writing course.

Lorraine Carbonell Ladish, aka [http://www.lorrainecladish.com Lorraine C. Ladish] , now lives in Naples, Florida and collaborates with the [http://www.lapalmainteractivo.com Palm Beach Post] and [http://www.dlatinos.tv D Latinos magazine and tv] . She is on the Editorial Advisory Board of D´Latinos Magazine, in Florida.


"I Feel Fat" (1993)
"A Woman's Body" (1994)
"Inner Beauty" (1995)
"Learning to Love" (1996)
"Beyond Love" (1998)
"Voice Mail" (2001)
"Fear of Eating" (2001)
"The Challenge of Writing and Publishing" (2002)
"I´m Pregnant! Now, what?" (2004)
"Have Fun with Your Children" (2005)
"Damn Author" (2006)
"Writing, Within Your Reach" (2007)
"Over 40 and Loving it!" (2007)
"A Creative Child is a Happy Child" (2008)

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