- Vinex-location
Vinex stands for "Vierde Nota Ruimtelijke Ordening Extra", a notation of the ministry for housing, spatial scheduling, and environment management in the
Netherlands ("Ministry of VROM").Large outer city areas were pointed out in this notation for massive new housing development.Main points of the VINEX policy
To accommodate the further increasing of population in the Netherlands the Ministry of VROM determined a number of main points in the Vinex-document for the construction of new housing districts as from that moment (1993). The most important point was that new districts had to be placed near existing town centers. It hereby had to contribute to the following aims:
- Endorsement of existing malls (Increasing the potential number of customers)
- Limit the removals of unsatisfied inhabitants in the (medium)big cities
- Protection of open areas by concentrating the agglomerations round existing (medium) big cities
- Limiting of traffic between house, work and stores (short distances offer more possibilities for public transport, bicycles and walking)The Vinex-locations also had to diminish the unjust pricing of housing. This means that certain households live in 'too cheap' houses when compared to their income, as a result of which these houses no longer become available to households with a lower income. So they tried to solve the shortage of cheap houses by luring richer households to the more expensive Vinex-locations. Nevertheless the Vinex-locations had a determined share of cheaper rentable houses.
Internal link
"Dutch Wikipedia article about this subject:"
* http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/VinexExternal links
"Downloadable Google Earth placemark of Vinex-locations:"
* [http://bbs.keyhole.com/ubb/showthreaded.php?Cat=0&Number=615930&page=0&vc=#Post615930 Google Earth Community]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.