Silke Müller

Silke Müller

Silke Müller (born November 11, 1978) is a field hockey midfielder from Germany, who won the gold medal with the German National Women's Team at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, Greece.

International Senior Tournaments

* 2000 – European Indoor Nations Cup, Vienna (1st place)
* 2002 – World Cup, Perth (7th place)
* 2003 – Champions Challenge, Catania (1st place)
* 2003 – European Nations Cup, Barcelona (3rd place)
* 2004 – Olympic Qualifier, Auckland (4th place)
* 2004 – Summer Olympics, Athens (1st place)
* 2004 – Champions Trophy, Rosario (2nd place)
* 2005 – European Nations Cup, Dublin (2nd place)
* 2005 – Champions Trophy, Canberra (5th place)
* 2006 – European Indoor Nations Cup, Eindhoven (1st place)
* 2006 – Champions Trophy, Amstelveen (1st place)
* 2006 – World Cup, Madrid (8th)


* [ Profile on Hockey Olympica]

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