Bem Le Hunte

Bem Le Hunte

Bem Le Hunte, (b. 1964 in Calcutta, India) is an author who has published internationally. She grew up in India and London, studied anthropology at Cambridge University and worked as a lecturer and copywriter before publishing her first work of fiction in 2003.

"“The Seduction of Silence,”" is the story of an Indian family as it changes through love and loss over a period of a hundred years, in prose that was described by Geraldine Brooks asvivid and arresting,’ and asample and fascinatingby Thomas Keneally. It was less favourably reviewed by Anderson Teppe in the New York Times [] The book achieved wide success, and was published by HarperCollins in USA and Australia and by Penguin Group in India. It was translated into Polish under the title, "“Kusace Wolanie Ciszy”" by Kameleon.

Her second novel was "There, Where the Pepper Grows", published by HarperCollins internationally in 2006. It is a tale about a Polish Jewish family that ends up in Calcutta whilst in transit to Palestine during the Second World War.

She now lives in Sydney, Australia.

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