- Thienen-Adlerflycht
Thienen is a Barony family, which was important in the German and especially in Schleswig-Holstein history.
The family belongs to the German
Uradel , which means Original Nobility. The family also belongs to theEquites Originarii (Original Knights), the oldest families of Schleswig-Holstein, which can trace back their noble ancestors for at least 750 years in Schleswig-Holstein.Around the year
800 Charles the Great expulsed the family out ofSchleswig-Holstein , so they fled toBrabant , where they reigned over the city Thienen or Tienen (French: Tirlemont). In the13th Century the family went back toGermany , where they stayed until around 1820. We know very less about the family-history until theKnight Henecke von Thienen, born around1270 , was mentioned in1314 .In 1841 the family became Danish
barons , as Baron von Thienen-Adlerflycht.Adlerflycht became part of the name, because of the marriage of Baron Conrad Christoph von Thienen with Baroness Luise von Adlerflycht, who was the last person who bore the name Adlerflycht.Since that time the Barons von Thienen-Adlerflycht live in
Austria andBavaria .----Weblinks
[http://www.thienen-adlerflycht.ag.vu/genealogie.html] Thienen-Adlerflycht Genealogy
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