- Kevin Chan
"Kevin Chan" is currently an emergency physician at the Hospital for Sick Children. He is considered to be the foremost expert in the field of global health, specifically, peadiatric population health.
He received a Bachelor of Science B.Sc. (Hon.) from the
University of Toronto , an MD from theUniversity of Ottawa , and an MPH FromHarvard University . Currently completing work for his DPH at Harvard.In 1994, Dr. Chan co-founded the Student University Network for Social and International Health or Reseau Etudiants Universitaire Pour la Sociale et Sante Internationale. He also help found the Centre for International Health and Development at the University of Ottawa and the Centre for International Health at the
University of British Columbia .In 2001-2002, he was co-chair of the Canadian Society for International Health. And from 2001-2003, he was President of the International Child Health Section of the
Canadian Paediatric Society . He was the recipient of the Chris Krogh award Prize from the Global Health Education Consortium.He is the winner of the Frank Knox Memorial Fellowship from Harvard University in 2002. In 2003, he won the Johnson & Johnson Physician Scholarship in International Health. Currently, he holds the
Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Scholarship from Canada.Dr. Chan has worked extensively in
Malawi ,Uganda ,Tanzania andZimbabwe , as well as in complex humanitarian emergency situations inRwanda andKosovo .Kevin lives in Toronto, and is married to Rosemary Marotta, a lawyer.
* [http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/press/releases/press06232005.html Harvard School of Public Health Student Kevin Chan Wins $160,000 Trudeau Foundation Scholarship]
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