Gingolx, British Columbia

Gingolx, British Columbia

Gingolx (Ginunicode|g̱olx or Kincolith) is a Nisga'a community in the Nass River valley. The village population is approximately 341 people. Gingolx is one of four villages that make up the Nisga'a Nation. The community itself has four clans which are Killer Whale, Eagle, Raven and Wolf. Gingolx's government usually consisted of one chief and 8-10 other council members.

The name Gingolx comes from the Nisga'a language words meaning "place of the skulls." When attacked by another nation, the people of Gingolx fought back and won. They hung their enemies skulls on sticks, lining them up along the river as a warning.

Modern history

Gingolx was founded as a permanent settlement in 1867 by the Christian missionaries who came down river by raft. The founder of the mission was the Rev. Robert Tomlinson, an Anglican medical missionary who succeeded the Rev. Robert A. Doolan, who had begun the Anglican Nass mission at Greenville, a.k.a. Laxgalts'ap. Gingolx's first European type buildings (including houses, a school, and a church) were all built in 1879.

In the 1890s the Rev. William Henry Collison joined Tomlinson at the mission. He died there in 1922, and his memoirs describe the community in detail.


Because of its location on the Nass River near the Alaska Panhandle, Gingolx was once an isolated village, the only ways able to get in being boat or plane. This isolation combined with the surrounding mountains meant Gingolx would often suffer power outages due to snow during the winter months. Residents could go as long as 3 weeks without power until helicopters could be flown in to fix the lines.

In 2003, a 28km road from Gingolx to Greenville was completed, which connected Gingolx to the other three Nisga'a communities. This road links Gingolx to the Nisga'a highway with connections to the Trans-Canada (Hwy 1), Yellowhead, and Cassiar Highways.


Gingolx's geographic location makes it ideal for fishing, forestry and tourism. There is a successful "Salmon Enhancement Program" situated behind the village at Gingolx's First Creek.

Culture and recreation

Gingolx has its own concert band and Gingolx Ceremonial Dancers, who perform at weddings, funerals, and other occasions such as Crabfest, Seafest, River Boat Days, and the Nisga'a New Year celebration, Hobiye'e.

Hiking and mountaineering is common, and one of the nearby mountains has a "look-out" which offers brilliant views from three stages on the trail.

In 1947, the Sons of Kincolith won the inaugural All Native Basketball tournament.


This annual outdoor music festival, was started in 2004 by Community Development Worker Ellen Torng, with the assistance of local resident, Nadine Clayton until the end of 2005. Crabfest has since been coordinated by Michele Stevens along with the Gingolx Arts Society Board. It has attracted many tourists due to its eye catching headliners and entertaining musicians. The festival is two days in length and has featured such well known names as Trooper, Chilliwack, Prairie Oyster, Doc Walker, Buffy Sainte Marie, Dr Hook, Jeff Healey, Tom Lavin of the Powder Blues Band, Nazareth, Tom Cochrane, Murray Porter, and the legends of london among other local bands, and tribute bands from across Canada, and the United States

The festival is centered on the medium sized stage set up and is accompanied by the many vendors lining the streets. The stage itself is monitored by professional sound and lighting crews.

Crabfest has been a success for the small town of Gingolx bringing in tourists from around the world, boosting the economy greatly with the effects felt well after the festival is over.

There has been negative effects of the festival itself. The abundant supply of Chinook Salmon in the river bordering the town has been largely untapped by tourists until the lure of the music led to the discovery of the large salmon and has caused the number of spawning salmon to drop below natural levels. This has led to the closure of fishing on the river which may lead to a large drop in tourism apart from the crabfest.

Prominent people of Gingolx

* Norman Tait, Master Carver
* Alver Tait, Master Carver
* Eddie Benson, Carver
* Murphy Oliver Stanley, Master Carver - May God richly bless his soul, Sim'oogit Wii Litsxw passed away recently at Mills Memorial Hospital, he will be remembered dearly by those whom he has touched their lives.
* Nathan Barton- A Gingolx chief. Barton pushed for the construction of a new administration building, and the local elementary school which now bears his name.


* Collison, W. H. (1915) "In the Wake of the War Canoe: A Stirring Record of Forty Years' Successful Labour, Peril and Adventure amongst the Savage Indian Tribes of the Pacific Coast, and the Piratical Head-Hunting Haida of the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia." Toronto: Musson Book Company. Reprinted by Sono Nis Press, Victoria, B.C. (ed. by Charles Lillard), 1981.

* Neylan, Susan (2003) "The Heavens Are Changing: Nineteenth-Century Protestant Missions and Tsimshian Christianity." Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press.

* Tomlinson, George, and Judith Young (1993) "Challenge the Wilderness: A Family Saga of Robert and Alice Tomlinson, Pioneer Medical Missionaries." Seattle: Northwest Wilderness Books.

External links

* [ Gingolx Home]
* [ Tricorp/]
* [ Annual Crabfest]

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