Yekooche First Nation

Yekooche First Nation

Yekooche First Nation is based 75 kilometers northwest of Fort St. James, British Columbia at the north end of Stuart Lake on Yekooche reserves (about 380 hectares in size). [ First Nation Detail] , Indian and Northern Affairs Canada]

Yekooche is a small community reserve. As of March 2008, there are 217 band members of which 130 live on the Yekooche reserves. Near to Yekooche are Babine, Cunningham and Whitefish Lakes. These places are used to collect winter food for families.


Yekoochet'en people have lived in the region of Cunningham Lake for thousands of years. In fact, the Yekooche people's very name derrives from the area - Ye Koo refers to "Yeko Bun" (Cunningham Lake) and "Che" describes the tail end of Nankut Creek.Yekooche Historydead link|url=|date=June 2008]

Yekooche First nation was one of the 5 bands that made up the Stuart Trembleur band which is presently known as Tl'azt'en Nation. Yekooche had been known as the Portage reserve until the bands separated in 1994.


Yekooche First Nation has a band office, a health clinic, a resource house, a church, a graveyard, an elementary school, and about 50 houses. The Elementary school consists of the headstart program, adult basic education, Carrier language courses, and Kindergarten to grade seven. The school has teacherages to allow the 3 school teachers to reside in Yekooche during the week.

Carrier Sekani Family Services

Although Yekooche First Nation is not part of the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council, it is part of Carrier Sekani Family Services,. Yekooche First Nation and CSFS have an agreement for the health programme, wherby CSFS provides Yekooche with healthcare services including a nurse, dental care practitioners, doctor appointments, travel money, workshops, clinic maintenance, etc.

Treaty Negotiations

Yekooche First Nation started its treaty negotiations in 1995. The treaty team negotiatied an Agreement in Principle in 2005, which the Nation agreed to. Yekooche First Nation is currently in Stage 5 of the British Columbia Treaty Process.


Yekooche First Nation can be reached by road, or by boat across Stuart Lake. An average water crossing takes 1.5 hours from Tache or 2.5 hours from Fort St. James.


Yekooche First Nation's main economic development projects are the forestry program, health and education. Currently, the majority of people residing in Yekooche seek out social assistance programmes such as Work Opportunity Program, TESI and Basic Needs. Many young families are forced to leave Yekooche in search of employment and education opportunities.


External links

* [ BC Treaty Commission] - Yekooche Nation

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