- Aspherical space
topology , an aspherical space is atopological space with all higherhomotopy groups equal to {0}.If one works with
CW complex es, one can reformulate this condition: an aspherical CW complex is a CW complex whoseuniversal cover iscontractible . Indeed, contractibility of a universal cover is the same, byWhitehead's theorem , as asphericality of it. And it is an application of theexact sequence of a fibration that higher homotopy groups of a space and its universal cover are same. (By the same argument, if "E" is a path-connected space and "p": "E" → "B" is any covering map, then "E" is aspherical if and only if "B" is aspherical.)Aspherical spaces are (directly from the definitions)
Eilenberg-MacLane space s.Examples
* Using the second of above definitions we easily see that all orientable compact
surface s of genus greater than 0 are aspherical (as they have either the Euclidean plane or the hyperbolic plane as a universal cover).* It follows that all non-orientable surfaces, except the real
projective plane , are aspherical as well, as they can be covered by an orientable surface genus 1 or higher.* Similarly, a product of any number of
circle s is aspherical.* Any
hyperbolic 3-manifold is, by definition, covered by the hyperbolic 3-space H3, hence aspherical.* Let "X" = "G"/"K" be a
Riemannian symmetric space of negative type, and Γ be a lattice in "G" that acts freely on "X". Then thelocally symmetric space Gammaackslash G/K is aspherical.* The
Bruhat-Tits building of a simplealgebraic group over a field with a discrete valuation is aspherical.* Metric spaces with nonpositive curvature in the sense of Aleksandrov (locally CAT(0) spaces) are aspherical. In the case of
Riemannian manifold s, this follows from theCartan–Hadamard theorem , which has been generalized togeodesic metric space s by Gromov and Ballmann. This class of aspherical spaces subsumes all the previously given examples.* Any
nilmanifold is aspherical.ymplectically aspherical manifolds
If one deals with
symplectic manifold s, the meaning of "aspherical" is a little bit different. Specifically, we say that a symplectic manifold (M,ω) is symplectically aspherical if and only if:int_{S^2}f^*omega=0
for every continuous mapping
:fcolon S^2 o M.
Stokes' theorem , we see that symplectic manifolds which are aspherical are also symplectically aspherical manifolds. However, there do exist symplectically aspherical manifolds which are not aspherical spaces. [Robert E. Gompf, "Symplectically aspherical manifolds with nontrivial π2", Math. Res. Lett. 5 (1998), no. 5, 599–603. MathSciNet|id=1666848]ee also
Acyclic space
*Essential manifold Notes
* Bridson, Martin R.; Haefliger, André, "Metric spaces of non-positive curvature". Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften , 319. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1999. xxii+643 pp. ISBN 3-540-64324-9 MathSciNet|id=1744486
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