2005 in machinima

2005 in machinima

The following is a list of notable machinima-related events in the year 2005. These include several new machinima productions, season finales, and the 2005 Machinima Film Festival.


*January 26Paul Marino moderated a discussion panel on machinima at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival.Sundance Online Film Festival.]
*June 21Electronic Arts released its first-person shooter computer game "Battlefield 2". [Battlefield 2 for PC.]
*October 27October 28 — The Academy of Machinima Arts & Sciences presented machinima pieces at the Austin Game Conference.Machinima Theater.]
*November 8Lionhead Studios released [GameSpy: The Movies.] its simulation game "The Movies", the first game to contain dedicated tools for creating machinima. [Newitz, 1.]
*November 12 — The Academy of Machinima Arts & Sciences held the 2005 Machinima Film Festival at the American Museum of the Moving Image.2005 Machinima Film Festival.]

Notable releases

*February 9Edgeworks Entertainment's "The Codex" premiered. [The Codex: Episode 1: The Gathering]
*May 18rvbep|Season 3 of Rooster Teeth Productions' "Red vs. Blue" ended with episode 57.Hullum.]
*June 28 — "This Spartan Life" premiered with the first two modules of episode 1. [This Spartan Life: News: 2005.06.28.]
*August 13 — "The Codex" ended with episode 20. [The Codex: Episode 20: The End of All Things.]
*August 29rvbep|Season 4 of "Red vs. Blue" began with episode 58.Burns.]
*September 27 — Rooster Teeth Productions' "PANICS" premiered.Special Section: PANICS.]
*October 18 — "PANICS" ended with episode 4.Special Section: PANICS.]
*November 22 — Alex Chan posts "The French Democracy" to "The Movies"' website. [The Movies Community.]

Active series

*"The Codex" (2005)
*"Fire Team Charlie" (2003–2005)
*"Neverending Nights" (premiered 2004)
*"PANICS" (2005)
*"Red vs. Blue" (2003–2007)
*"The Strangerhood" (2004–2006)
*"Strangerhood Studios" (2005)
*"This Spartan Life" (premiered 2005)
*"Time Commanders" (2003–2005)


Academy of Machinima Arts & Sciences

*Best Picture: ""Maragos.]
*Best Series: "This Spartan Life"
*Best Direction: "Whiplash"
*Best Virtual Performance: "A Few Good G-Men"

Rockets on Prisoner

*Best Movie: "The Codex" episode 20 ("The End of All Things")3rd Annual "Rockets on Prisoner" Awards: Winners.]
*Best "Halo 2" Movie: "The Codex" episode 20 ("The End of All Things")
*Best Series: "Red vs. Blue"
*Best Male Performance: Joel Heyman as rvbchar|Caboose from "Red vs. Blue"
*Best Female Performance: Kathleen Zuelch as rvbchar|Tex from "Red vs. Blue"



*cite web|url=http://www.movingimage.us/site/screenings/content/2005/machinima.html|title=2005 Machinima Film Festival|publisher=American Museum of the Moving Image|accessdate=2006-09-25
*cite web|url=http://rop2005.thatweasel.tv/index.php?site=O&pg=W|title=3rd Annual "Rockets on Prisoner" Awards: Winners|work=3rd Annual Rockets on Prisoner Awards|accessdate=2006-09-26
*cite web|url=http://www.agc2005.com/machinima/|title=Machinima Theater|work=Austin Game Conference|accessdate=2006-09-28
*cite web|url=http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/battlefield2/index.html|title=Battlefield 2 for PC|work=GameSpot|pubilsher=CNET Networks, Inc|accessdate=2007-01-04
*cite web|last=Burns|first=Burnie|authorlink=Burnie Burns|date=August 29, 2005|url=http://rvb.roosterteeth.com/viewEntry.php?id=146|title=RvB Season 4 Launch|publisher=Rooster Teeth Productions|accessdate=2006-09-25
*cite web|url=http://www.thecodexseries.com/tc/index.php?page=videos&act=1|title=The Codex: Episode 1: The Gathering Storm|publisher=Edgeworks Entertainment|accessdate=2006-09-25
*cite web|url=http://www.thecodexseries.com/tc/index.php?page=videos&act=20|title=The Codex: Episode 20: The Endo f All Things|publisher=Edgeworks Entertainment|accessdate=2006-09-25
*cite web|url=http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/the-movies/|title=GameSpy: The Movies|publisher=GameSpy|accessdate=2006-09-26
*cite web|last=Hullum|first=Matt|authorlink=Matt Hullum|date=May 18, 2005|url=http://rvb.roosterteeth.com/viewEntry.php?id=101|title=Red vs. Blue Season 3 - The Final Episode|publisher=Rooster Teeth Productions|accessdate=2006-09-25
*cite web|last=Maragos|first=Nick|date=November 14, 2005|url=http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=7179|title=2005 Machinima Film Festival Awards Announced|work=Gamasutra|publisher=CMP United Business Media|accessdate=2006-09-26
*cite web|date=December 13, 2005|url=http://movies.lionhead.com/news.html?story=232|title=The Movies Community|publisher=Lionhead Studios|accessdate=2006-09-26
*cite web|last=Newitz|first=Annalee|date=January 25, 2006|url=http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,70058-0.html|title=Machinima for the Masses|work=Wired News|publisher=CondéNet|accessdate=2006-09-26
*cite web|url=http://fearfans.com/articles/|title=Special Section: PANICS|work=FearFans.com|publisher=Vivendi Universal Games, Inc|accessdate=2006-09-26
*cite web|url=http://festival.sundance.org/2005/docs/05sun_FG_how_to.pdf|title=Sundance Online Film Festival|format=PDF|work=2005 Sundance Film Festival|accessdate=2006-09-28
*cite web|date=June 28, 2005|url=http://thisspartanlife.com/news.2005.06.28.shtml|title=This Spartan Life: News: 2005.06.28|accessdate=2006-09-25

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