Spanish web

Spanish web

The Spanish web in circus performances involves a long, cloth covered rope with a loop attached near the top that a performer climbs and inserts either their foot or their wrist into the loop. A spinner, or web sitter, at the bottom spins the rope, and centrifugal force holds the performer mostly horizontal as they move their bodies in relation to the rope. They can release the spinning rope and spin separately at the same speed as the rope. Some people also spin at a different speed to the rope going around, on their own axis as well as the rope's. This requires the loop to be attached to the rope via a devise that can twist.

This skill is often combined with corde lisse where the performer doesn't use the loop, but uses just the rope without it being spun. Corde lisse moves involve different knots around the performer, along with drops and various positions.

The Spanish web was first performed by circus performer Elan Jacques Shermacher. He was known for his flexibility and willingness to experiment.

External links

* [ Aerial Arts FAQ] ( [ Simply Circus] )

Many moves that can be done on the spanish web using the wrist in keeper are a birdie (Where the the artist has the front of their feet against the rope and archs their back through.), a stand out (Simmilar to the birdie , except the persons legs are extended.), and star (Where one of the artists feet is monkey-toeing the rope and their other leg and arm is extended outward), There is also an angel, a fast spin and a cannon ball.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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