North American Christian Convention

North American Christian Convention

The North American Christian Convention is an annual summer convention supported by churches, colleges, institutions, and missions programs associated with the Christian churches and churches of Christ, mainly across the United States, but also in other parts of the world. First started in 1927, it has gradually grown over the years in both attendance and location. The NACC was held annually after 1927 until the end of that decade; the deprivations brought about by the Great Depression and the dislocations caused by World War II contributed to its being held only three times in the 1930s and four times in the 1940s; since 1950 it has again become an annual event. Ministers from churches across the United States have come and spoken at the event, as well as other well known speakers and authors of the Christian community. The NACC Mission statement is "the connecting place providing ideas, inspiration, and identity to New Testament Christian Churches and their leaders." Philosophically this organization gives all their credit to Jesus Christ.[1]




The adults are able to participate three main events, the main session, bible studies, and workshops. The main session is a time of praise and worship, sermons from guest speakers, testimonies, and a time to get to know other people. The bible studies allow adults to get together with small groups and fellowship one on one. The workshops also allow adults to choose from various classes to learn and grow from. Not only are there adult events, but events for the teens too.[2][3]


Teens are involved in the same thing but on a level where they can have fun and grow spiritually at the same time. They have a main session with worship from high energy, world-renowned bands, guest speakers, talk sessions, and entertainment from comedians and performance groups.[4]

Children and Toddlers

The NACC also has programs for young children as well. This day camp allows children to be in groups with other kids their age and just have fun. Each small group or camp unit is led by an adult leader who provides fun games and a learning environment. They even have daycare (Wee-One-Wigwam) for young toddlers and babies.[5]

Bible Bowl

Another event that was held annually at the NACC was the Bible Bowl. First introduced to NACC at the Tulsa, Oklahoma Convention in 1965 it became an event that drew teens and kids ranging from grades 6-12 every year to compete in scripture memorization and other bible events. It also allowed teens and kids to fellowship with each other and grow through bible studies, guest speakers, and prayer groups. However it has not been a part of the NACC in the past few years. In 2001, Bible Bowl became independent from the NACC and started its own program as it grew. Now Bible Bowl, due to its immense population and growth over the years runs its own program in many different states every year, holding competitions and events.[6]

Minister and Spouse

Aside from the main session held every year another event follows that is focused on bringing spouses closer together with each other and with God. This is a time where a husband and wife can get away to relax, laugh, smile and enjoy a few days of peace. Guest speakers and talented artist allow for fellowship and fun while events such as hiking, golfing and shopping let husband and wife enjoy their time away.[7]


The NACC Board of Stewards, Committees, and Staff members all ensure adherence to the NACC Mission and support the NACC through prayer, attendance and commitment to personal financial support.


The NACC main office is held in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Staff is about 7 to 10 members who are the project managers and consist of: The Managing Director is who handles day to day operations, finalizes contracts, and manages the facility plans; The Business Administrator & Church Relations handles the financial matters; The Special Events & Workshops Coordinator plans & sets up the ticketed & non-ticketed meals & receptions, as well as the workshops; The Children's Convention and Marketing/Promotions Coordinator coordinates the children's planning committee and the publicity & marketing materials; There is an Information Technology Coordinator who works part-time; The Registration and Office Services Coordinator manages registration and customer service onsite, and tons of other things here in the office; The Executive Administration and Program/Production Manager works with all the leadership committees and implement the main programming. There are a few supporting cast members outside the office, like the person who coordinates the Student Convention, and the partner that handles the registration and hotel reservation data entry.

Board of Stewards

The Board of Stewards consists of ten members who are the past President, current President, President-Elect, on average 6 members and the current NACC Executive Director. The ten of them come together and have these duties to accomplish. First, they Set and review corporate policies. Second, they worked to provide review and accountability to the Executive Director and the NACC Staff. Ensure fiscal satiability, including but not limited to, setting budgets and raising funds. Approve the venue and cities for NACC events. Then lastly they focus on long-range and strategic issues.[8]

Continuation Committee

The Continuation Committee consists of on average 120 members including all eligible past Presidents who represent the Christian churches and churches of Christ across the United States and Canada. They are a group who serves as a support system and gives advice to the Executive Committee and the Board of Stewards. They serve a three-year term in this position. These members are from all over the country, they come together every October before the next summer convention and meets in the city that it is going to be held at. During the October planning meeting they assist the Executive committee plan for the future NACC's by providing guidance on potential speakers, workshop topics, and workshop leaders.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committees are made up of thirteen members including the President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, on average 6 members two local arrangement committee Co-Chairs, National prayer chair, and the NACC Managing Director. The main role the Executive Committee has to fill is plan and put in order all the NACC programs for their appointed year.


The President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer are chosen three years before their convention summer. Whoever the current President is they form a Nomination Committee in the spring before the before the new President is elected. After the possible candidates are nominated the committee prayerfully chooses who will fill the new presidential board. The President is who provides leadership and approves all recommendations for the NACC event. He serves as the primary NACC representative to the constituency through travel, writing and speaking engagements.[9]

Past and Future Events

Year Dates Location President
2011 July 5-8 Cincinnati, Ohio Dudley Rutherford
2010 July 6–9 Indianapolis, Indiana Ben Cachiaras
2009 August 11–13 M & S Retreat Stephen and Lisa Sams
2009 June 30 - July 3 Louisville. Kentucky Jeff Stone
2008 July 1–4 Cincinnati, Ohio Cam Huxford
2007 July 3–6 Kansas City, Missouri Alan Ahlgrim
2007 August 21–23 M & S Retreat Tom and Kay Moll
2006 June 27–30 Louisville. Kentucky David Faust
2005 August 16–18 M & S Retreat Howard and Marsha Brammer
2005 July 12–14 Jacksonville, Florida Howard Brammer
2005 June 28–30 Lexington. Kentucky Howard Brammer
2005 May 24–26 Corona, California Howard Brammer
2004 July 5–8 Phoenix, Arizona Dick Alexander
2003 July 8–11 Indianapolis, Indiana Bob Russell
2002 June 24–27 Columbus, Ohio Barry McMurtrie
2001 June 26–29 Tampa, Florida Tom Ellsworth
2000 July 11–14 Louisville. Kentucky Don Wilson
1999 July 6–9 Denver, Colorado Wayne Shaw
1998 June 23–26 St. Louis, Missouri Dennis Slaughter
1997 July 1–4 Kansas City, Missouri Sam E. Stone
1996 July 2–5 Dallas, Texas John Caldwell
1995 July 16–20 Indianapolis, Indiana Marshall Hayden
1994 July 5–8 Orlando, Florida Wally Rendel
1993 July 6–9 St. Louis, Missouri Charles E. Cook
1992 July 14–17 Anaheim, California Ken Idleman
1991 July 9–12 Denver, Colorado David McCord
1990 July 10–13 Kansas City, Missouri Richard D. Hogan
1989 July 11–14 Louisville. Kentucky R. Allan Dunbar
1988 July 5–8 Cincinnati, Ohio David Corts
1987 July 14–17 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Dale McCann
1986 July 6–10 Indianapolis, Indiana Kenneth A. Meade
1985 July 9–12 Anaheim, California Knofel Staton
1984 July 10–13 Atlanta, Georgia David L. Eubanks
1983 July 26–29 St. Louis, Missouri Floyd Strater
1982 July 27–30 Kansas City, Missouri E. LeRoy Lawson
1981 July 7–10 Louisville. Kentucky Calvin L. Phillips
1980 July 8–11 Seattle, Washington Dennis R. Fulton
1979 July 24–27 St. Louis, Missouri Robert C. Shannon
1978 July 11–14 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Ben Merold
1977 July 5–8 Cincinnati, Ohio Wayne B. Smith
1976 July 6–9 Denver, Colorado E. Ray Jones
1975 July 8–11 Detroit, Michigan Russell F. Blowers
1974 July 23–26 Anaheim, California Thomas W. Overton
1973 July 10–13 Indianapolis, Indiana W. F. Lown
1972 July 11–14 Cincinnati, Ohio E. Richard Crabtree
1971 July 6–9 Dallas, Texas Marshall J. Leggett
1970 July 7–10 St. Louis, Missouri William S. Boice
1969 July 8–11 Detroit, Michigan Douglas A.Dickey
1968 July 9–12 Cincinnati, Ohio Burris Butler
1967 June 28 - July 2 Tampa, Florida L. Palmer Young
1966 June 28 - July 1 Louisville. Kentucky Hugh F. Sensibaugh
1965 June 22–25 Tulsa, Oklahoma Russell L. Martin
1964 July 7–10 St. Louis, Missouri Leon H. Appel
1963 June 26–30 Long Beach, California E. H. Chamberlain
1962 June 26–29 Lexington. Kentucky Wm. Harold Hockley
1961 April 20–23 Wichita, Kansas Robert O. Weaver
1960 July 12–15 Columbus, Ohio Edwin G. Crouch
1959 June 24–28 Atlanta, Georgia Olin W. Hay
1958 July 9–13 Portland, Oregon Reuben L. Anderson
1957 May 1–5 Pittsburgh, P Lester H. Ford
1956 May 8–11 Louisville. Kentucky Harold W. Scott
1955 Apr 25 - May 1 Indianapolis, Indiana James Van Buren
1954 June 23–27 Long Beach, California Francis M. Arant
1953 April 22–26 Canton, Ohio Harry Poll
1952 April 30 - May 4 Tulsa, Oklahoma Ernest E. Laughlin
1951 April 25–29 Springfield, Illinois Joseph H. Dampier
1950 April 26–30 Indianapolis, Indiana Ard Hoven
1948 April 21–25 Springfield, Illinois Orval Morgan
1946 May 8–12 Indianapolis, Indiana William E. Sweeney
1942 Oct 14 - 18 Indianapolis, Indiana Dean E. Walker
1940 Oct 9 - 13 Indianapolis, Indiana P. H. Welshimer
1937 April 21–25 Springfield, Illinois T. K. Smith
1933 June 21–25 Springfield, Illinois O. A. Trinkle
1931 June 17–21 Lexington. Kentucky J. E. Henshaw
1929 Oct. 9 - 14 Canton, Ohio P. H. Welshimer
1928 Oct. 10 - 14 Kansas City, Missouri Wallace Tharp
1927 Oct. 12 - 16 Indianapolis, Indiana P. H. Welshimer



The President, Vice President, Committee members, and Board members (who have a great part in planning this event) are all volunteers. The Tech teams, teachers of the different workshops, people who watch the kids during the sessions and behind the scenes people are all volunteers. Most of them dedicate one week every summer to attend this event and be a volunteer at it. Without the help of volunteers this event would not be as large and affective as it is.[9]


In 1927 the NACC had its first annual summer event that was held in Indianapolis, Indiana. It was a great success! Since then they have been to 20 other major cities across the United States. They have met in cities in the South and West parts of the country, but this event is mainly held in the Mid-West area because approximately 85% of the New Testament Churches are in, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, and Missouri. The average attendance is 8,000-12,000 for an average of three and a half nights. When the location is moved outside of the Mid-West the attendance can drop as low as 50%.[8]

Support and Partnership

Churches and Christian organizations from all across the United States fund the NACC. The supporting churches help the NACC continue to reach out to people all over the world who come to the event. The range of donations can go from $200 a year to $30,000+ a year! Some supporting churches include Discover Christian Church in Dublin, Ohio and Savannah Christian Church in Savannah, Georgia. Along side supporting churches, the NACC is partnering up with many different Christian colleges such as Atlanta Christian College and Cincinnati Christian University, but also other organizations like Good News Production International and CMF International. Another way the NACC raises money and support for the program is by holding an exhibition every year.[11]


The exhibition allows for hundreds of organizations such as churches, radio stations, colleges and other Christian organization to set up booths during the event and share what their school or program has to offer.


  1. ^ North American Gold: The Story of 50 North American Christian Conventions by Edwin V. Hayden
  2. ^
  3. ^"
  4. ^
  5. ^
  6. ^
  7. ^
  8. ^ a b Diane Albrecht Executive Administrator Assistant & Program Manager at the NACC office in Cincinnati, Ohio
  9. ^ a b Vocational interview with former committee member Dr. Ruth Reyes
  10. ^
  11. ^

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