- Henry Foley
Brother Henry Foley was an English Roman Catholic church historian.
He was born at
Astley inWorcestershire ,England on9 August 1811 ; died at Manresa House, Roehampton,19 November 1891 . His father was the Protestantcurate in charge at Astley. After his early education at home and at a private school atWoodchester , Henry was articled to a firm ofsolicitor s inWorcester , and in course of time practised as a solicitor, at first in partnership with another, then by himself. Under the influence of theOxford Movement he was led to embrace the Catholic Faith in 1846, and five years later, on the death of his wife Anne, daughter of John Vezard of Gloucestershire, he sought admission as alay brother into theSociety of Jesus . Urged to enter as a scholastic and to prepare for the priesthood, he said it was Our Lady's wish that he should be a lay brother. For thirty years he occupied the post of lay brother socius to the Englishprovincial superior . During that time he produced his gigantic work, "The Records of the English Province of the Society of Jesus" (8 octavo volumes), a compilation of immense labour and original research and an invaluable store of historical detail put together with a persevering assiduity rarely found even in the most painstaking of historians. Brother Foley deserves to share withFather Henry More the title of historian of the Society. He also wrote "Jesuits in Conflict", a work describing the sufferings of some of the English Jesuit confessors of the Faith. As a religious, Brother Foley was a model of every virtue. His bodily austerities were remarkable, while his spirit of prayer led him at all free moments to the chapel.ource
*Catholic [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/16041a.htm]
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