- 74GB, Anupgarh, India
=Location and description=
----"Chak" refers to village in Punjabi language. Chak Number 74 GB is a small village in northern Rajasthan, India. The village falls under the administrative unit (Tehsil) of Anupgarh in District Sriganganagar. The number 74 refers to the serial number of settlement on the canal (the Karani-ji branch of Gang Canal), number 1 being the first settlement at the origin of that particular branch of canal. The letters "GB" denote the official suffix allocated to the Karani-ji branch of Gang Canal (each settlement along this branch carries a serial number and this suffix, e.g. 1GB, 2 GB, 74GB, etc.). However, the local population generally believes that GB refers to 'Gagghar Basin'- the area irrigated by the Karani-ji branch is largely the basin of seasonal Gagghar River. Karani-ji branch originates near the town of Jaitsar and terminates near Anupgarh. Chak 74 GB is located approximately 8 kilometers northeast of the town of
Anupgarh and approximately 125 kilometers south-west from the district headquarters of Sriganganagar on Sriganganagar-Raisinghnagar-Bikaner Road. The links below shows the village on Google map. tatistics and history
----Population of 74GB is approximately 300, consisting of Sikh and Hindu families (around 50% each). All of the Sikh families are land owners, who migrated to this region from the Punjab around 1928, when the canal was built by
Indian society is generally divided into caste system, with caste lines driving most social interactions. The population of 74GB can be divided into two main castes - Most of Hindu families belong to " nayak"="" caste,="" while="" a="" handful="" of="" families="" belong="" to="" "kumhar"="" caste.="" almost="" all="" sikh="" "kamboja"="" caste="" (same="" as="" the="" ancient="" kamboja="" tribe="" northwest="" india).="" inter-caste="" marriages="" are="" non-existent.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
----Population of 74GB is approximately 300, consisting of Sikh and Hindu families (around 50% each). All of the Sikh families are land owners, who migrated to this region from the Punjab around 1928, when the canal was built by
----Population of 74GB is approximately 300, consisting of Sikh and Hindu families (around 50% each). All of the Sikh families are land owners, who migrated to this region from the Punjab around 1928, when the canal was built by