Wick product

Wick product

In probability theory, the Wick product

:langle X_1,dots,X_k angle,

named after physicist Gian-Carlo Wick, is a sort of product of the random variables, "X"1, ..., "X""k", defined recursively as follows:

:langle angle = 1,

(i.e. the empty product—the product of no random variables at all—is 1). Thereafter we must assume finite moments. Next we have

:{partiallangle X_1,dots,X_k angle over partial X_i}= langle X_1,dots,X_{i-1}, widehat{X}_i, X_{i+1},dots,X_k angle,

where widehat{X}_i means "X""i" is absent, and the constraint that

:Elangle X_1,dots,X_k angle = 0mbox{ for }k ge 1.,


It follows that

:langle X angle = X - EX,,

:langle X, Y angle = X Y - EYcdot X - EXcdot Y+ 2(EX)(EY) - E(X Y).,

:egin{align}langle X,Y,Z angle=&XYZ\&-EYcdot XZ\&-EZcdot XY\&-EXcdot YZ\&+2(EY)(EZ)cdot X\&+2(EX)(EZ)cdot Y\&+2(EX)(EY)cdot Z\&-E(XZ)cdot Y\&-E(XY)cdot Z\&-E(YZ)cdot X,\end{align}

Another notational convention

In the notation conventional among physicists, the Wick product is often denoted thus:

:: X_1, dots, X_k:,

and the angle-bracket notation

:langle X angle,

is used to denote the expected value of the random variable "X".

Wick powers

The "n"th Wick power of a random variable "X" is the Wick product

:X'^n = langle X,dots,X angle,

with "n" factors.

The sequence of polynomials "P""n" such that

:P_n(X) = langle X,dots,X angle = X'^n,

form an Appell sequence, i.e. they satisfy the identity

:P_n'(x) = nP_{n-1}(x),,

for "n" = 0, 1, 2, ... and "P"0("x") is a nonzero constant.

For example, it can be shown that if "X" is uniformly distributed on the interval [0, 1] , then

: X'^n = B_n(X),

where "B""n" is the "n"th-degree Bernoulli polynomial.

Binomial theorem

: (aX+bY)^{'n} = sum_{i=0}^n {nchoose i}a^ib^{n-i} X^{'i} Y^{'{n-i

Wick exponential

:langle operatorname{exp}(aX) angle stackrel{mathrm{def{=} sum_{i=0}^inftyfrac{a^i}{i!} X^{'i}


* [http://eom.springer.de/w/w097870.htm] "Springer Encyclopedia of Mathematics"
* Florin Avram and Murad Taqqu, "Noncentral Limit Theorems and Appell Polynomials", "Annals of Probability", volume 15, number 2, pages 767—775, 1987.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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