Alberic of Trois-Fontaines

Alberic of Trois-Fontaines

Alberic of Trois-Fontaines (French Aubri (Aubry) de Trois-Fontaines; Latin, Albericus Trium Fontium) (d. ca. 1252) was a medieval Cistercian chronicler who wrote in Latin. He was a monk of Trois-Fontaines Abbey (diocese of Châlons-sur-Marne). In 1232 he began his "Chronica Alberici Monachi Trium Fontium", which describes world events from the Creation to the year 1241. He died after 1252.

Books 45-49 of Helinand of Froidmont's "Chronicon" serve as a source for Alberic's chronicle.

Mentioned in Alberic's chronicle

*In 1193, according to Alberic, Theodore Branas became the lover of the dowager empress Anna.
*Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor was fluent in Latin and, according to Alberic, was "distinguished by gifts of knowledge, wreathed in flowers of eloquence, and learned in canon and Roman law".
*A description of the flight of Eilmer of Malmesbury.
*In his discussion of the Children's Crusade, Alberic writes about a shepherd boy of Vendome named Stephen, who, inspired by the German Children's Crusade, marched south to Marseilles with 30,000 companions. Alberic writes that these children were either shipwrecked and drowned, or were betrayed and sold into slavery. []

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