

A siida (in different Sami languages "cearru", "siida", "sita", "kite"), or a "reindeer pastoralistic district," is a Sami reindeer foraging area, a group for reindeer herding and a corporation working for the economic benefit of its members. It is termed a "sameby" ("Sami village") in Swedish law, "reinbeitesdistrikt" ("reindeer pasture district") in Norwegian law, and "paliskunta" in Finnish law. The pastoralistic organisation differs slightly between countries, except in Russia, where kolkhoz succeeded earlier organisations.

In Sweden, membership in a siida follows "pastoralistic rights" based on statute of limitations, and is limited to individuals of Sami descent. These rights also include hunting and fishing for profit. There are 33 mountain siidas, 10 forest siidas and 8 concession siidas, divided by historical extent, summer and winter pasture usage, etc. Membership is required to practice pastoralistic rights. This is required for reindeer ownership as well, except in concession siidas, where even non-members can own "serve reindeers", served by siida members who receiving concession to pasture lands in payment. This custom originates in older conventions when reindeer were used by settled local populations in daily life. The economic activity in present-day siidas is limited to profit from pastoralistic rights. In addition to the geographical and economic nature of the siida, it also ties the members together culturally and socially.

Siidas in Sweden split Sami people into two groups. Membership is essentially limited to those whose ancestors were nomads before 1886, barring the majority of Swedish Sami from membership in a siida.

In Norway, pastoralistic activity requires membership in a unit ("driftsenhet"), corresponding to a reindeer herd. The rights to conduct pastoralism are based on statute of limitations and limited to individuals of Sami descent.

In Finland and Russia, pastoralistic activity is not limited to ethnic Sami. In Finland, reindeer herding is also practiced by Finns. There are 56 "paliskunta"s, of which 13 in the extreme north of Lapland constitute the Sami area. However, reindeer herding has a more prominent role in the north. [ [ INARIN PALISKUNNAT - Poronhoidon organisaatio ] ]


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