- The City (film)
"The City" (1939) is a pioneering short
documentary film which attempts to contrast the evils of the industrializedcity with the idyllic conditions one finds insmall-town America. The film concentrates primarily on family life, and more specifically on the raising of children. It opens with a look back at pre-industrial America, moving quickly into the modern city. The chaotic industrial and commercial cities shown in the film subsequently give way to the idyillic "new city" ofGreenbelt, Maryland . Constructed as aNew Deal project, Greenbelt highlights the importance of recreation in the proper upbringing of children, as well as in the making of a stable family life. It was adapted byLewis Mumford from the story byPare Lorentz , and was directed byRalph Steiner andWillard Van Dyke , with music byAaron Copland .The film has been selected for preservation in the United States
National Film Registry .ee also
List of films preserved in the United States National Film Registry External links
*"The City" in thePrelinger Archives : [http://www.archive.org/details/CityTheP1939 Part 1] , [http://www.archive.org/details/CityTheP1939_2 Part 2]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.