George D. Weber

George D. Weber

George "Boots" Weber (born 1925) is an American politician from Missouri. He was the unsuccessful Democratic nominee to represent the 2nd congressional district in 2004 and 2006, losing to incumbent Todd Akin both times. He was also the Reform Party nominee for State Auditor, losing the race to Democrat Claire McCaskill. He has announced a candidacy for U.S. President in the 2008 Missouri primary.


He graduated from Eureka High School in 1942 and then attended and graduated from the University of Missouri.


After graduation, he joined the Marine Corps. After the war he became a farmer and later a real estate broker. He served in the Missouri State Legislature 1964-1966.


Weber is pro-life and pro gun ownership, but believes existing gun laws need to be better enforced. He is a strong conservationist and believes clean water is about to become a major economic and conservation issue. His conservative social views made him vulnerable to insurgent campaigns in the Democratic primaries in 2004 and 2006, but he narrowly won the nomination both years. The largely progressive Democratic mainstream in St. Louis County, however, has been slow to embrace him as a candidate despite his frequent campaigns for office in the area.

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* [ Official site]

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