

A ball-up (pl. ball-ups, a.k.a. bounce) in Australian rules football describes a method of restarting play at a neutral contest after a stoppage within the field of play. It is not to be confused with a boundary throw-in which occurs in most cases when the ball is forced out of bounds. Ball-ups may be considered to be the equivalent of a jump ball or faceoff.

Ball-ups are performed by field umpires and involve bouncing the ball firmly on the ground such that it moves directly upwards several metres after it bounces. Sometimes the ball may be thrown vertically upwards instead of bounced if conditions do not allow for the ball to be bounced effectively, if the umpire does not wish to take the extra couple of seconds to prepare for a bounce, or if modified rules dictate that the ball should be thrown rather than bounced.

The ball-up executed in the centre circle at the beginning of each quarter and after each goal is known specifically as the "centre bounce". Centre bounces are contested by one nominated ruckman from each team, who attempts to direct the ball to a teammate.

Ball-ups can also occur at other locations around the ground. Umpires often have to decide whether a player tackled while in possession of the ball had a prior opportunity to pass the ball before they were tackled; if so, they will pay a free kick for holding the ball. If there was no such opportunity, then the umpire will call for a ball-up. At ball-ups which are not centre bounces, other players may help their ruckman in the contest by unexpectedly entering the contest and becoming the "third man up".

A ball-up is also called for if a defensive player kicking in after a behind has been scored moves outside of the goal square before kicking the ball. In this case, the ball is bounced at the top of the goal square.

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