- Rhynchelmis
name = "Rhynchelmis"
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Annelida
classis =Clitellata
subclassis =Oligochaeta
ordo =Lumbriculida
familia =Lumbriculidae
genus = "Rhynchelmis"
genus_authority = Hoffmeister, 1843
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =
*"Rhynchelmis brachycephala "
*"Rhynchelmis granuensis "
*"Rhynchelmis komareki "
*"Rhynchelmis limosella "
*"Rhynchelmis tetratheca "
*"Rhynchelmis vagensis "
*"Rhynchelmis vejdovskyi "
*"Rhynchelmis alaskana "
*"Rhynchelmis elrodi "
*"Rhynchelmis glandula "
*"Rhynchelmis saxosa "
*"Rhynchelmis gilensis "
*"Rhynchelmis gustafsoni "
*"Rhynchelmis monsserratus "
*"Rhynchelmis rostrata "
*"Rhynchelmis utahensis "
*"Rhynclemis yakimorum "
*"Rhynchelmis alyonae "
*"Rhynchelmis anomala "
*"Rhynchelmis dissimilis "
*"Rhynchelmis minimaris "
*"Rhynchelmis olchoensis "
*"Rhynchelmis paraolchonensis "
*"Rhynchelmis parva "
*"Rhynchelmis shamanensis "
*"Rhynchelmis spermatachaeta "
*"Rhynchelmis aleutensis "
*"Rhynchelmis brooksi "
*"Rhynchelmis malevici "
*"Rhynchelmis orientalis ""Rhynchelmis" is the
genus of 30 species of aquaticoligochaete s from the Northern Hemisphere, with 11 species fromNorth America and 19 fromEurasia . They are part of the familyLumbriculidae , which are among the largest of themicrodriles . They are generally defined as having atria in segment X andspermatheca e in segment VIII (Fend & Brinkhurst, 2000). Theprostomium generally has aproboscis , from which the genus has got its name."Rhynchelmis" contains several subgenera, all of which have previously held genus rank: "Rhynchelmoides" with four species, "Sutroa" with six species, and "Pseudorhynchelmis" with nine species. Further, four species - "Rh. aleutensis", "Rh. brooksi", "Rh. malevici" and "Rh. orientalis" - cannot positively be placed in any of the subgenera.
* Fend, S. V. & Brinkhurst, R. O. (2000): New species of "Rhynchelmis" (Clitellata, Lumbriculidae), with observations on the Nearctic species. "Hydrobiologia" 428: 1-59.
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