

In mathematics, and particularly in axiomatic set theory, S (clubsuit) is a family of combinatorial principles that are weaker version of the corresponding S; it was introduced in 1975 by A. Ostaszewski.



For a given cardinal number κ and a stationary set S \subseteq \kappa, \clubsuit_{S} is the statement that there is a sequence \left\langle A_\delta: \delta \in S\right\rangle such that

  • every Aδ is a cofinal subset of δ
  • for every unbounded subset  A \subseteq \kappa, there is a δ so that A_{\delta} \subseteq A

\clubsuit_{\omega_1} is usually written as just \clubsuit.


It is clear that ◊ ⇒ , and A. J. Ostaszewski showed in 1975 that + CH ⇒ ◊; however, Saharon Shelah gave a proof in 1980 that there exists a model of in which CH does not hold, so andare not equivalent (since ◊ ⇒ CH).


  • A. J. Ostaszewski, On countably compact perfectly normal spaces, Journal of London Mathematical Society, 1975 (2) 14, pp. 505-516.
  • S. Shelah, Whitehead groups may not be free, even assuming CH, II, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 1980 (35) pp. 257-285.

See also

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