- Pahoran
In the
Book of Mormon , Pahoran was the third chief judge over the people of Nephi, having inherited the judgement-seat from his father Nephihah, at the end of the 24th year of the reign of the judges over the Nephites, or 67 B.C. (See .)Finally, in approximately the 39th year of the reign of the judges, or about 53 B.C., Pahoran died, apparently without leaving the judgement-seat in his will. (See sourcetext|source=Book of Mormon|book=Helaman|chapter=1|verse=1|range=-4.)
Pahoran, son of Pahoran
Pahoran was also the name of the previous Pahoran's son. When the aforementioned Pahoran had died, he left no one to fill in his place in the judgement-seat. Three of Pahoran's sons, by the names of Pahoran, Paanchi, and Pacumeni, were left to contend for it, but the matter was settled in the 40th year of the reign of the judges, or 52 B.C., over a
vote : Pahoran, the son of Pahoran, won it. Pacumeni, when he saw that he lost, accepted the outcome and supported his brother, but Paanchi, the third brother, would not. He tried to rebel, but was executed according to law. His followers were so angry at this, that one of them, a man by the name ofKishkumen , went in disguise to the judgement-seat and murdered Pahoran. He then escaped the clutches of Pahoran's servants, and fled.Pahoran was succeeded by his brother, Pacumeni.
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