Cripps — bezeichnet eine britische Automarke (1913), siehe Cripps Cycle Company Cripps ist der Name folgender Personen: Peggy Cripps Appiah (1921–2006), britisch ghanaische Kinderbuchautorin Richard Stafford Cripps (1889–1952), britischer Jurist … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cripps — Crịpps, Sir (seit 1930) Richard Stafford, britischer Politiker, * London 24. 4. 1889, ✝ Zürich 21. 4. 1952; Rechtsanwalt, schloss sich der Labour Party an. 1931 50 war er Abgeordneter im Unterhaus. Als Sprecher der »Socialist League« innerhalb … Universal-Lexikon
Cripps — This interesting and unusual name, with variant spellings Crispe, Chrisp, Crips, Chrippes and Scripps, derives from the Olde English pre 7th Century word crisp, cryps , from the Latin crispus , meaning curly or the curly haired one, or from the… … Surnames reference
Cripps Pink — (Pink Lady) Details Hybrid parentage Lady Williams × Golden Delicious … Wikipedia
Cripps Pink — Herkunft Australien, 1973 Züchter John Cripps Kreuzung aus ‘Lady William’s’ × … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cripps the Carrier — Author(s) R. D. Blackmore Country … Wikipedia
Cripps' mission — The Cripps mission was an attempt in late March 1942 by the British government to secure Indian cooperation and support for their efforts in World War II. The mission was headed by Sir Stafford Cripps, a senior left wing politician and government … Wikipedia
Cripps Pink — Pink Lady Pour l’article homonyme, voir Pink Lady (groupe). Panier de pomme Pink Lady La pomme Pink Lady est une pomme à croque … Wikipédia en Français
Cripps question — In patent law, the Cripps Question is: Was it for all practical purpose obvious to any skilled chemist in the state of chemical knowledge existing at the date of the patent which consists of the chemical literature available (a selection of which … Wikipedia
Cripps, Sir Stafford — ▪ British statesman born April 24, 1889, London died April 21, 1952, Zürich British statesman chiefly remembered for his rigid austerity program as chancellor of the exchequer (1947–50). Academically brilliant at Winchester and at… … Universalium