- Samuel Dash
Samuel Dash (
February 27 1925 –May 29 2004 ), a native ofCamden, New Jersey , a co-chief counsel along withFred Thompson for theSenate Watergate Committee during theWatergate scandal . Dash became famous for his televised interrogations during the Congressional hearings on Watergate.Two decades later, Dash was again in the news after resigning his post as ethics adviser to independent counsel
Kenneth Starr . After working for the investigation for four years, Dash resigned to protest Starr's appearance before theUnited States House of Representatives 'Judiciary Committee . Dash felt that Starr was acting as an "aggressive advocate" instead of an impartial investigator.Dash was a law
professor atGeorgetown University for nearly 40 years where he taught criminal procedure. Shortly before his death, he published "The Intruders: Unreasonable Searches and Seizures from King John toJohn Ashcroft ", which discusses the risks to freedom in modern society, particularly in the wake of thePatriot Act .Samuel Dash was born in Camden to Joseph and Ida Dash, immigrants from the
Soviet Union . Dash died inWashington, D.C. ofcongestive heart failure , aged 79, on the same day asArchibald Cox , the special prosecutor for the Watergate scandal.External links
* [http://quote.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000103&sid=aceTxMotBhUM&refer=us Bloomberg News story on Dash and Archibald Cox]
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