Anterior labial nerves — Infobox Nerve Name = PAGENAME Latin = nervi labiales anteriores GraySubject = GrayPage = Caption = Caption2 = Innervates = BranchFrom = ilioinguinal nerve BranchTo = MeshName = MeshNumber = DorlandsPre = n 05 DorlandsSuf = 12566024 The anterior… … Wikipedia
Labial nerve — Labial nerves can refer to structures in two different parts of the body: * labium (genitalia) ** posterior labial nerves, branches of the pudendal nerve ** anterior labial nerves, branches of the ilioinguinal nerve * lip ** superior labial nerve … Wikipedia
labial nerves posterior — nervi labiales posteriores … Medical dictionary
Labial glands — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = glandulae labiales oris GraySubject = 242 GrayPage = 1111 Caption = The labial coronary arteries, the glands of the lips, and the nerves of the right side seen from the posterior surface after removal… … Wikipedia
List of human nerves — * Accessory nerve * Accessory obturator nerve * Alderman s nerve * Anococcygeal nerve * Ansa cervicalis * Anterior interosseous nerve * Anterior superior alveolar nerve * Aortic plexus * Auerbach s plexus * Auriculotemporal nerve * Axillary nerve … Wikipedia
Common plantar digital nerves of medial plantar nerve — Nerve: Common plantar digital nerves of medial plantar nerve The plantar nerves. Latin nervi digitales plantares communes nervi plantaris medialis From medial plantar nerv … Wikipedia
Common plantar digital nerves of lateral plantar nerve — Nerve: Common plantar digital nerves of lateral plantar nerve The plantar nerves. Latin nervi digitales plantares communes nervi plantaris lateralis From lateral plantar n … Wikipedia
Dorsal digital nerves of foot — Nerve: Dorsal digital nerves of foot Nerves of the dorsum of the foot. Latin nervi digitales dorsales pedis Dorsal digital nerves of foot are branches of the intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve, medial dorsal cutaneous nerve … Wikipedia
Deep temporal nerves — Nerve: Deep temporal nerves Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve. Latin nervi temporales profundi Gray s … Wikipedia
Inferior labial artery — Infobox Artery Name = PAGENAME Latin = ramus labialis inferior arteriae facialis, arteria labialis inferior GraySubject = 144 GrayPage = 555 Caption = The labial coronary arteries, the glands of the lips, and the nerves of the right side seen… … Wikipedia