Infobox programming language
name = SISAL
paradigm = functional, dataflow
year = 1983
designer = James McGraw
developer = James McGraw et al, at University of Manchester, LLNL, Colorado State University, and DEC
typing = static, strong
implementations = osc, sisalc
influenced_by = VAL, Pascal, C, Fortran
influenced = SAC

SISAL (Streams and Iteration in a Single Assignment Language) is a general-purpose single assignment functional programming language with strict semantics, implicit parallelism, and efficient array handling. SISAL outputs a dataflow graph in Intermediary Form 1 (IF1). It was derived from VAL (Value-oriented Algorithmic Language), and adds recursion and finite streams. It has a Pascal-like syntax and was designed to be a common high-level language for numerical programs on a variety of multiprocessors.


SISAL was defined in 1983 by James McGraw et al, at the University of Manchester, LLNL, Colorado State University and DEC. It was revised in 1985, and the first compiled implementation was made in 1986. Its performance is superior to C and rivals Fortran, according to some sources, [Retire Fortran?: a debate rekindled, David Cann, August 1992, Communications of the ACM, Volume 35, Issue 8] combined with efficient and automatic parallelization.

SISAL's name came from grepping "sal" for "Single Assignment Language" from the Unix dictionary /usr/dict/words.

Versions exist for the Cray X-MP, Y-MP, 2; Sequent, Encore Alliant, dataflow architectures, Transputers and systolic arrays.


* [ VAL Overview]
* [ Sisal Language Tutorial]

External links

* [ SISAL Parallel Programming] project page

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