

Rexer is an automobile manufacturing company in Estonia. Their first model was the Rex R-10 and that managed to get national type approval. They currently produce the R-12, an AC Cobra replica. It uses the double wishbones from the Lada Niva and a 5.7 litre Chevrolet engine and transmission and steering rod from Ford Scorpio. The R-12 also has national type approval. It is sold both as a kit car and in completed form.

Rexer Analytics is a data mining and consulting firm that provides advanced analytic solutions to clients in a variety of industries. The company was founded in 2002 by Karl Rexer, PhD in Boston MA, USA. Rexer Analytics' Senior Consultants are Paul Gearan and Heather Allen, PhD. In 2006 the company provided consulting to 18 clients, including Hewlett-Packard, Coverall Cleaning Concepts and The Palladium Group. In 2007 over 300 data miners provided responses to Rexer Analytics' survey research on the behaviors, needs, preferences of data mining professionals.

More information about Rexer Analytics is available at their web site: [] . A 7 page summary of the [ 2007 Rexer Analytics Data Miner Survey] is also available.

External links

* [ Rexer]
* [ Rexer Analytics]

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