- Wifipicning
The term "Wifipicning", a combination of the words
WiFi ,picnic , andhappening , describes a social gathering of people, similar to theflashmobs or othersocial networks born out of new communication technologies.Strangers and friends alike gather with their computers which they connect to a local cordless network situated within a "wifi bubble" set up by the organizers. With a range of about 30 meters, this bubble is completely autonomous and does not need a battery operated outlet; it is not connected to the
Internet and can therefore be set up easily anywhere. Participants are connected to each other inside the bubble via achat room (compatible withApple Mac and PC computers), where they interact both physically and virtually. 'Bubblenauts' are invited to partake in creative actions, discuss theme-based topics, exchange documents, pics and videos, or simply get to know one another over a drink.Specific content, accessible only within the confines of the bubble, is sometimes made available to participants and a
collaborative work may then be pursued by participating Bubblenauts opening the way to all kinds of possibilities in the associative and cultural domains and in the field ofcitizenship .Participating in a Wifipicning does not require any technical know-how. Anyone can do it. The aim here is to place technology in the service of
mankind , human interaction and sharing. As the creators of the concept put it, it is an invitation to ' take a walk on the other side of the screen', the creation of a "micro-network" on a human scale that offers a new kind of conviviality and playful interaction. Their motto is: "Make bubbles, not war."This concept is uncommon for three reasons: the complete autonomy of the bubble; a voluntary return to geographic proximity — promoting encounters and bonding among participants — a playful simultaneousness between virtual and real exchanges. In this way, while Internet has abolished to some extent physical distances, Wifipicning, conversely, is the fusion of the cordless network and the local physical world. The initiators of the project have also spoken to this effect about Web 3.] , which would be the total fusion of Internet with its spacial and social environment, as well as that of individuals with their avatars.
The concept was created in 2005 in
Paris (France ) by the [http://www.memoire-vive.org/archives/000549.php three friends and videobloggers] , Natacha Quester-Séméon, Sacha Quester-Séméon and Tristan Mendes France, who among other ventures collaborate on the blog [http://www.memoire-vive.org/|"Mémoire-Vive"] , an experimental lab of sorts for new blog and mobility applications (mobile video podcasts, phone-blogs, etc). With the aim of encouraging people to interact, share or socialize at cultural, artistic and social events, via new information and communication technologies, they created the association "Incredibulle" (Incredibubble) and the concepts of wifi bubble, bubble master and bubblenauts.The first Wifipicnings took place in 2005 in Paris and
Provence . The concept was launched in theLuxembourg Garden (Paris) on the occasion ofNeighbours' Day with thanks to the Senate Quaestor. A second one took place in [http://www.maussane.com/ Maussane-les-Alpilles] in Provence in the presence of the town's mayor. In 2006, two more were organised: on 30 May in Paris duringEuropean Neighbours' Day ("Immeubles en fête" in France) and on 15 July inMaussane-les-Alpilles . The fifth Wifipicning took place in Paris one week before the first round of the French presidential elections in April 2007 and was devoted to the theme of citizenship.A voluntary network and pioneer in the associative web,
The Associated Humans has sponsored these events, the aim of which is the creation a more humane network and the reappropriation of technologies often experienced as impersonal and remote, in order to bring people together in a new and more welcoming environment. The initiative has been favorably received abroad. Through support fromHoward Rheingold , a theorist with expertise in flashmobs andcyberculture , the concept has spread to a wider international audience as well as making its way into theblogsphere s of different countries, Spanish-speaking for the most part. A gathering took place in September 2006 inVila-Seca ,Spain .References
Numerous media have reported on these gatherings:
Le Parisien (31 May 2005),Elle (27 June),France Info (Brigitte Benkemoun's column, 15 July),La Provence (22 and 23 July),Le Nouvel Observateur (1 September),Europe 2 (Loïc Lemeur's radio broadcast on blogs, 16 December), Vidéo programme «Le Mag» d'Orange World (April 2006),Europe 1 (Catherine Nivez's broadcast «Revue de blogs», 5 April),Netizen (April and May),Canal Plus (Daphné Bürki's show «Nous ne sommes pas des anges» , 11 May),Noticiasdot.com (11 July),El Pais (12 July),Libération (column «Vous», 14 July),PC Inpact/Yahoo News (8 July).See also
*Web 2.0
*Social networking
*Howard Rheingold
*The Associated Humans External links
* [http://www.memoire-vive.org/archives/cat_wifipicning.php Wifipicning in the Mémoire-Vive blog]
* [http://www.memoire-vive.org/archives/000545.php History of a bubble]
* [http://www.memoire-vive.org/archives/000528.php Technical information]
* [http://www.memoire-vive.org/archives/cat_wifipicning_revue_de_presse.php Press reviews]
* [http://www.smartmobs.com/archive/2005/05/25/wifipicning_wi.html Howard Rheingold: Wifipicning — WiFi socializing in Paris]
* [http://pisani.blog.lemonde.fr/pisani/2005/05/des_blogueurs_p.html Francis Pisani: Parisian bloggers invent Wifipicning The Monde Newspaper's blog]
* [http://liberation.fr/vous/193317.FR.php Libération, Joséphine Dérobé: Pique-clic en équipe]
* [http://www.youtube.com/groups_videos?name=wifipicnic Wifipicning video images]
* [http://www.rfi.fr/radiofr/editions/072/edition_3_20070507.asp Radio France Internationale: "Accents d'Europe", May 2007]
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