

Infobox Company
company_name = Bonheur ASA
company_type = Public
foundation = 1897
location = Oslo, Norway
key_people = Anette S. Olsen (CEO)
area_served =
industry = Holding company
products =
revenue = profit NOK 1.3 million (2005)
operating_income = NOK -35.4 million (2005)
net_income = NOK 886.7 million (2005)
num_employees =
parent =
subsid =
homepage = []
footnotes =

"For the artist, see Rosa Bonheur"

Bonheur (ose|BON) is a Norwegian holding company for the Olsen family. The company is listed on Oslo Stock Exchange and has ownership in numerous companies within energy, shipping and other sectors. The Bonheur company controls the Ganger Rolf company which has a 19.51% ownership in Bonheur. All investments are made 50/50 with Ganger Rolf.

Bonheur has its headquarters in Oslo, Norway.

The company is controlled by Invento AS and Quatro AS who together own 50.3% of the company. Both companies are owned by Fred. Olsen & Co., a company wholly owned by Anette S. Olsen.


* First Olsen Tankers (50%, tank ships)
* Fred. Olsen Production (50%, floating production)
* Fred. Olsen Energy (30%, offshore services)
* Fred. Olsen Renewables (50%, wind power)
* Comarit (25%, ferries)
* Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines (50%, cruise ships)
* Tusenfryd (25%, theme park)
* Norges Handels og Sjøfartstidende (16.8%, media, including Dagens Næringsliv)
* Real Estate, including IT Fornebu

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • BONHEUR — Tout homme veut être heureux, et cela suffit peut être à définir, au moins provisoirement, le bonheur: il est ce que chacun désire, non en vue d’une autre chose (comme on désire l’argent pour le luxe ou le luxe pour le plaisir) mais pour lui même …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • bonheur — BONHEUR. subs. m. Félicité, état heureux. Grand, vrai bonheur. Véritable bonheur. Solide bonheur. Bonheur parfait. Bonheur apparent. Jouir du bonheur de la vie. Perdre le bonheur de la vie. Rien ne trouble son bonheur. Le bonheur de l Etat. Le… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

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  • Bonheur — bezeichnet Bonheur (Unternehmen), eine norwegische Holding Gesellschaft, vgl. Fred. Olsen S.A. Rosa Bonheur (1822–1899), eine französische Tiermalerin den Oberlauf des französischen Flusses Bramabiau Diese Seite ist eine …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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