Chinjufu Shogun

Chinjufu Shogun

Chinjufu shōgun (鎮守府将軍), often translated as "Commander-in-Chief of the Defense of the North," was a military post in classical and feudal Japan. The Chinjufu shōgun, under the command of the sei-i-tai-shōgun (shogun), was primarily responsible for the pacification of the Ezo (Ainu) people of northern Honshū and Hokkaidō, and Japan's defense against them.

The post was originally created in the eighth century, during the Nara period, and a military district, called Chinjufu was established as the Chinjufu shōgun's area of authority. It was originally located in the fortress of Tagajō in what is now Miyagi prefecture. However, it was moved further north in 801, after the Chinjufu shōgun at the time, Sakanoue no Tamuramaro achieved a series of victories against the natives, pushing them further north. Once all of Honshū was conquered, or pacified, by the Japanese, the new base at Azawajō came to be controlled by the various samurai clans of that region. The base, along with the Chinjufu military district and the position of Chinjufu shogun, was abandoned in the early 14th century.

Chinjufu shōgun of note

  • Ōno no Azumabito (大野東人) (?-742)
  • Ōtomo no Komaro (大伴古麻呂) (?-757)
  • Fujiwara no Asakari (藤原朝狩) (?-764)
  • Tanaka no Ōtamaro (田中多太麻呂) (769 Appointment)
  • Ishikawa no Natari (石川名足) (728-788)
  • Sakanoue no Karitamaro (坂上苅田麿) (728-786)
  • Saeki no Mino (佐伯三野 ) (?-779)
  • Ōtomo no Surugamaro (大伴駿河麻呂) (?-776)
  • Ki no Hirozumi (紀廣純) (777 Appointment)
  • Ōtomo no Yakamochi (大伴家持) (718-785)
  • Kudara no konikishi syuntetsu (百済王俊哲) (787 Appointment)
  • Tajihi no Umi (多治比宇美) (787 Appointment)
  • Kudara no konikishi syuntetsu (百済王俊哲) (798 reappointment)
  • Sakanoue no Tamuramaro (坂上田村麻呂) (758-811)
  • Saeki no Mimimaro (佐伯耳麻呂) (809 Appointment)
  • Mononobe no Taritsugu (物部足継) (812 Appointment)
  • Mononobe no Kumai (物部熊猪) (834 Appointment)
  • Sakanoue no Masamichi (坂上当道) (859 Appointment)
  • Ono no Harukaze (小野春風) (878 Appointment)
  • Abe no Mitora (安倍三寅) (884 Appointment)
  • Fujiwara no Toshihito (藤原利仁) (915 Appointment)
  • Fujiwara no Toshiyuki (藤原利行)
  • Taira no Kunika (平国香) (?-935)
  • Taira no Yoshikane (平良兼) (?-939)
  • Taira no Yoshimasa (平良将)
  • Fujiwara no Hidesato (藤原 秀郷) (10th c.)
  • Taira no Yoshimochi (平良持) (?-935)
  • Taira no Sadamori (平貞盛) (?-989)
  • Minamoto no Tsunemoto (源經基) (894-961)
  • Minamoto no Mitsunaka (源満仲) (912-997)
  • Minamoto no Yorinobu (源頼信) (968-1048)
  • Abe no Yoritoki (安倍頼時) (c. 1050)
  • Minamoto no Yoriyoshi (源頼義) (998-1082)
  • Minamoto no Yoshiie (源義家) (1039–1106)
  • Fujiwara no Hidehira (藤原 秀衡) (1122? - 1187)
  • Minamoto no Yoshishige (源義重) (1135–1202)
  • Kitabatake Akiie (北畠顕家) (1318–1338)
  • Ashikaga Takauji (足利 尊氏) (1305–1358)
  • Ashikaga Tadayoshi (足利直義) (1306–1352)


  • Frederic, Louis (2002). "Japan Encyclopedia." Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.

See also

  • "Chinjufu" was also the name, during the Meiji era, of the naval bases at Sasebo, Maizuru, and Yokosuka.

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