Toribio Romo González

Toribio Romo González

Infobox Saint
name=Saint Toribio Romo González
birth_date=April 16, 1900
death_date=February 25, 1928
feast_day=May 25
venerated_in=Roman Catholic Church

birth_place=municipality of Jalostotitlán, Jalisco, Mexico
death_place=Agua Caliente, Jalisco, Mexico
beatified_by=Pope John Paul II
beatified_date=November 22, 1992
canonized_date=May 21, 2000
canonized_by=Pope John Paul II
patronage=Mexican migrants, border crossers
major_shrine=Santa Ana de Guadalupe, Jalisco, Mexico
prayer=Dios todopoderoso y eterno,que concediste a Santo Toribio Romo luchar por la fehasta derramar su sangre,haz que, ayudados por su intercesión, soportemos por tu amornuestras dificultades y con valentía caminemos hacia tique eres la fuente de toda vida.Por Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amen.

Saint Toribio (in Latin Thuribius) Romo González was a Mexican martyr who died in the Cristero War.He was born April 16, 1900 in Santa Ana de Guadalupe, Jalisco, and was ordained with a dispensation in 1921 in Guadalajara.He was hidden in 1927 in Tequila on the ranch of Agua Caliente ("Hot Water") saying Mass there for peasants.On the morning of February 25 he was killed by federal soldiers, led by an informer, thus offering his life for the peace of the Catholic Church.

On May 21, 2000, Pope John Paul II canonized a group of 25 saints and martyrs arising from the Cristero War. The vast majority of the saints are Roman Catholic priests who were executed for carrying out their spiritual duties in distributing the Sacraments despite the attempted suppression of the Church under the anti-Catholic and anti-clerical laws of Plutarco Elías Calles. Those priests who took up arms in the persecution, however, were excluded from the canonization. The group of saints share a feast day on May 25.


1. Gutierrez, Marco A. Garcia. " [ Toribio Romo: protector de los mojados: es un espejismo del desierto que hace milagros de carne y hueso] ." Contenido, June, 2002 es icon
2. Murphy, James. The Martyrdom of Saint Toribio Romo. Liguori Publications (November 1, 2007)
3. Thompson, Ginger. " [ Santa Ana de Guadalupe Journal; A Saint Who Guides Migrants to a Promised Land] ." The New York Times, August 14, 2002.
4. Corchado, Alfredo. "The migrant's saint: Toribio Romo is a favorite of Mexicans crossing the border." The Dallas Morning News, July 22, 2006.
5. Sheehan, Thomas. Dictionary of Patron Saints' Names. Our Sunday Visitor (September 2001)

ee also

*Saints of the Cristero War
*Cristero War
*List of canonizations

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