- Abckiria
"Abckiria" (also sometimes spelled ABC-kiria, and spelled "ABC-kirja" in modern Finnish), in English "The ABC book", is the first book published in
Finnish language . It was written by a bishop and reformistMikael Agricola , and was first published in1543 . Agricola made the book while working on the first Finnish translation of theNew Testament (which was eventually finished in1548 as "Se Wsi Testamenti ").Abckiria was a
primer meant to teach the basics of reading and writing. It contains thealphabet , some spelling exercises, andcatechism (including theTen Commandments and theLord's Prayer ). The first edition had 16 pages. The second edition, which was made in1551 , had 24 pages. No complete copies of either are known to exist, but general contents of the book have been discerned from the existing material.In modern days, the most famous part of the book is the opening
poem :Oppe nyt wanha / ia noori /joilla ombi Sydhen toori.Jumalan keskyt / ia mielen /iotca taidhat Somen kielen.Laki / se Sielun hirmutta / mutt Cristus sen tas lodhutta. Lue sijs hyue Lapsi teste / Alcu oppi ilman este. Nijte muista Elemes aina / nin Jesus sinun Armons laina. ("Learn now, old and young, who have a fresh heart, God's commandments and the mind, so that you shall know the Finnish language. Law, it makes the soul angry, but Christ soothes it again. So read from here good child, the beginning of learning without obstacles. Remember them all your life, so Jesus lends you his mercy.")
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