

Terhorst (in Limburgs dialect: "Terhoorsj") is a little hamlet of 33 houses and part of the village of Banholt (in Limburgs dialect: Tebannet), which is in the municipality of Margraten in the province of Limburg. In the middle of the village, Terhorst has its own little chapel built in 1949 and every year in August there is the traditional annual Chapel party (kapelfeest). There are several old farmhouses originally built in the 18th century and is a popular area for walking. From Terhorst one can reach Banholt, Noorbeek, Mheer, Reijmerstok, Terlinden and Hoogcruts.

Terhorst - variants Derhorst, Terhurst, Derhurst, Horst (including van der(n) Horst). Name appears both in the Netherlands (Gelderland and Limburg) as well as on the German side in the district Kleve. The name is Germanic in origin and refers to a "horst", this means a high lying piece of ground in bog ground.

Near Loenen (Gelderland, gemeente Voorschoten) which lies in the triangle Apeldoorn, Zutphen and Dieren there is the former castle Ter Horst situated on the estate De Horsten (which was owned by Princes Juliana - inherited by ?) with origins in 1200 with the current building originating from 1556 but was extensively changed in 1791–1792 with little of the original building remaining. See also Kasteel Ter Horst http://www.kasteelterhorst.nl

There are or where other castles with the name Terhorst (nearly all have disappeared) so its important to always refer to the area in which reference is made to kasteel Terhorst.

The name Terhorst is relatively rare with few early references on either side of the Dutch border. Floorke van der Horst build another castle Ter Horst near the village Horst - name derived from Floorken van der Horst, in "'t Land van Kessel". See http://www.landvanhorst.nl

A coat of arms for Terhorst exist described as;

Blaze of arms: Or, three crescents sable, points in chief (two-one). Overall in bend gulesCrescent: A lion or.

Other references on Ter horst and specifically Kasteel Ter Horst exist on Wikipidia

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