Académie Internationale d'Héraldique

Académie Internationale d'Héraldique

L'Académie Internationale d'Héraldique (known in English as the International Academy Of Heraldry) is a prestigious body that was founded in Paris in 1949 to bring together experts in heraldry representing the various areas of the world. Admission is by election, and the number of active "academicians" is limited to 75. There is no limit to the number of "associate members". The general assembly usually meets once a year, and the headquarters of L'Académie are in Switzerland. The Académie's aim is to centralize the heraldic studies on the basis of the largest possible international cooperation. Applications for admission are addressed to L'Académie in writing and must have the sponsorship of a member of the Council. On a bi-yearly basis, the Académie holds the "International Heraldic Colloquium".

Prominent members of L'Académie

*Claire Boudreau
*D'Arcy Boulton
*Cecil Humphery-Smith
*Michel Pastoureau
*Gerard Slevin
*Auguste Vachon
*Robert Watt

ee also

*American Heraldry Society
*Committee on Heraldry of the New England Historic Genealogical Society
*The Heraldry Society
*Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies
*International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences
*Heraldry Society of Scotland
*Royal Heraldry Society of Canada

External links

* [ AIH Information (in French)]

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