Ricoh XR-P

Ricoh XR-P

The Ricoh XR-P is a 35mm Single Lens Reflex (SLR) camera. Ricoh touted it as "The World's Most Responsive Camera" in their "Long Course" user's manual. It features sixteen operating modes that utilize the XR-P's ability to set the shutter speed and lens aperture.


The XR-P's lens system is the Ricoh System RK mount. Shutter speed ranges from 16 seconds to 1/2000 seconds plus B and TV. It has a self timer of 10 seconds (zero seconds for left-hand shutter operation), and an interval timer of 2 seconds, 15 seconds, or 60 seconds. The viewfinder's field of view covers 93%, magnification at .88X with 50mm, F1.4 standard lens. Viewfinder display includes Exposure adjustment, AE lock, manual, program mode, TV mode, overexposure and under exposure marks, shutter speed indicator, battery low warning, and programmed F-stop.

Automatic Modes:
*Program P Mode - The basic program for the widest range of conditions.
*Program PA Mode - programmed exposure automation for faster shutter speeds, primarily for action shots.
*Program PD Mode - programmed exposure automation selecting smaller aperture settings, primarily to increase depth of focus.
*Shutter Bias Mode - Automatic exposure mode incorporating the ability to select the slowest shutter speed allowed in automatic shutter speed selection.
*Manual Mode - Allows full manual control of both shutter speed and aperture settings.
*Aperture Priority Mode - Program control over shutter speed selection with manual aperture setting.
*TV/PA Mode (CRT) - designed for CRT image photos, setting the shutter speed to 1/4 speed.
*TV/P Mode (NTSC) - used for recording images from the standard American television transmissions of the time. Shutter speed set to 1/30 second.
*TV/PD (PAL/SECAM) - used for recording images from the standard European television transmissions of the time. Shutter speed set to 1/25 second.
*Program "PA" Flash - Automatic flash exposure for wider than usual apertures, designed for use in conjunction with Ricoh's XR Speedlite 300P.
*Program "P" Flash - Automatic flash exposure for general flash photography, designed for use in conjunction with Ricoh's XR Speedlite 300P.
*Program "PD" Flash - Automatic flash exposure utilizing smaller than usual apertures, designed for use in conjunction with Ricoh's XR Speedlite 300P.
*Shutter Bias Flash - utilizes the XR-P's dual metering system to mix existing and flash illumination at a 1:1 ratio.
*Aperture Priority Flash - Permits manual selection of lens aperture; when used with Ricoh's XR Speedlite 300P, provides automatic TTL metering to control flash output.
*Manual Flash - manually set shutter speed and aperture for use with any flash.
*Fill-Flash - designed to be used in conjunction with Ricoh's XR Speedlite 300P for outdoor fill-in flash.


Ricoh XR-P Multi-Program users manual, Ricoh Company, Ltd., Tokyo
Ricoh XR-P The "Long Course", Ricoh Corporation, West Caldwell, NJ

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