Rebecca Sommer

Rebecca Sommer

Rebecca Sommer is a German artist, journalist, photographer,documentary filmmaker, and human rights activist. She is therepresentative for the Indigenous Department USA of the Society for Threatened Peoples [] , an international NGO in special consultative status to the
United Nations (ECOSOC), and in participatory status with the Councilof Europe. She founded Earth Peoples [] , a global circle ofindigenous peoples working together to promote the natural and humanrights of indigenous peoples.

Rebecca Sommer earns her living as an artist, with works inbeauty, fashion, print and film, and has worked as the editor-at-largefor magazines such as Scene, Madison, and Spirit while living in Germany, India,Great Britain, Brazil, South Africa and the USA.

Recent work as a filmmaker includes:

*"Work-in-progress - United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples" [] ,
*"Eliminated Without Bleeding" [] received the New York Festivals International Film & Video Award, Documentaries 2008, Official Selection: Lowell Film Festival, 2008. [] .
*"Hunted Like Animals" [] received the WorldFest 2008 SILVER REMI Award. Official Selection: Amnesty International Film Festival, 2008 [ [ Amnesty International Film Festival ] ] .
*"Thary, a day in my Village in Vietnam" [] Official Selection:Danville International Film Festival, KIdsFirst! Film Festival, 2008: [ [] ] .
*"The United Nations and Indigenous Peoples, Vol. 1" [] received the New York Festivals International Film & Video Award, 2007. [New York Festivals [,4] ] Official Selection 2008: Montreal Human Rights Film Festival [ [ FFDPM 2008 ] ] ; Oxford Brookes University Human Rights Film Festival [ [ Human Rights Film Festival ] ] ; Human Rights Film Festival Aotearoa New Zealand [ [] ] .


External links

* [] - personal website featuring video clips, news, and other information about her work.
* []

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