- Sammallahdenmäki
Infobox World Heritage Site
WHS = Bronze Age Burial Site of Sammallahdenmäki
State Party = FIN
Type = Cultural
Criteria = iii, iv
ID = 579
Region = Europe and North America
Year = 1999
Session = 23rd
Link = http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/579Sammallahdenmäki is a
Bronze age burial site inFinland in Lappi municipality. It was designated byUNESCO as aWorld Heritage Site in 1999, and includes 36granite burialcairn s dating back more than 3,000 years, to 1,500 to 500 BC. It is located on a hill in a remote area off the road betweenTampere and Rauma. Originally, it was near the coast of theGulf of Bothnia , but the land has risen so it is now 15 kilometers from the sea. It is one of the most important Bronze Age sites inScandinavia .Four of the cairns were excavated by archaeologist
Volter Högman in 1891, including "Kirkonlaattia" ("Church Floor"), an unusual rectangular cairn covering 16 x 19 metres with a flat top, and "Huilun pitkä raunio" ("long cairn of Huilu"), which is surrounded by an ancient stone wall.References
* [http://whc.unesco.org/pg.cfm?cid=31&id_site=579 Sammallahdenmäki] from
* [http://www.worldheritagesite.org/sites/sammallahdenmaki.html Sammallahdenmäki]
* [http://www.nba.fi/en/sammallahdenmakieng Sammallahdenmäki, Lappi] , from the Finnish National Board of Antiquities
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.